Her mission in his life


It was hard to start a proper conversation with Victor. He wanted to leave but I asked him to wait until I was done having my ice cream

After what transpired between us at the party which I couldn't finish. I felt shy just having him  around but it was best he left seeing how unhappy he seemed

"I'm...tired now...you can go, "I said with a lazy stretch and yawned as I gathered myself up and covered the boxes I wasn't eating from. Victor didn't even waste time as he got up from the carpet both of us were sitting on and prepared to walk to the door.

I failed to understand why he didn't just send his men or helpers to give me what I wanted but he came and didn't even utter a word when I was talking to him

At times his silence made me seem like a very talkative girl when in reality I was a sweet girl who hated talking