Teach her how to swim


"Is it okay?"I asked and looked at my belly as doctor Maverick was running the probe on my belly.

It had been a few weeks and I came for checkups. Victor was busy so I brought myself to the hospital

"It's fine. I'm happy you came right away…" doctor Maverick said as he handed me a towel to wipe the jelly from my belly and I took it and did as required. He said I was okay

"I'm glad then...tell me how to stop throwing up...it's become a problem now, "I said while wiping the jelly. For the past three weeks, I've been feeling bad, morning sickness as Maverick described it. Whenever I ate anything spicy or containing spices, I threw up. Any food with garlic made me feel nauseous and the smell of several perfumes did the same. I asked Justin and he said everything was normal, I just had to take care of myself. I couldn't even tell the grumpy man knowing he had a reason to touch me. For weeks I've been ignoring him like the plagues and he had turned extra grumpy