The right time

By now the rest of the family had gathered in the living room waiting for Victor to return. Leo was pacing around while Justin was called to the hospital for an emergency which was why Leo was forced to come back from his search. Kyan was with Monica while Martha who joined them after she came back from the hospital was giving out coffee which none in the room wanted to take

This had never happened before, Vivienne was never this careless no matter what she told everyone where she was going and if she would take long however now she had Everyone on the edge of their seats wondering where she could be at such a time. Leo had searched places he knew she would go to unfortunately he didn't find her. He even went as far as going back to the same orphanage she grew up in, just maybe she went there for something but nothing. He called Cassy but she was out of town hence he was helpless and ended up coming back to the mansion