When I arrived at the mansion, I was welcomed by the security men around the mansion. As dark as it was. The night was a little chilly hence I proceeded down the pavement leading to the entrance of the mansion. The lights were on, in some rooms above, and since I knew the mansion inside out. I got to the entrance door and was about to ring the doorbell when the door opened and Julia invited me inside
"Is she okay?"I asked as I walked towards the stairs worried about Skylar. It was surprising that she asked for me. As her mother I wanted her to ask for me like this. The feeling was too overwhelming that I didn't know how to react to seeing her
"She's in her room with sir... apparently the absence of Ms. Monica and kyan made her lonely"Julia asked as we climbed the stairs. Her words had me thinking. It was kyan who called me but Julia was saying he wasn't around
"Did they go somewhere?"I asked suspiciously and Julia nodded slightly