I turn back to Ray.

"Ray, what was that guy saying about witches?" I asked.

Ray chuckles nervously and walks towards me, he wrap his arm around my waist and smiles.

"Witches? You must have misheard him...."

"I didn't mishear him, he said the alpha prince's mate is a witch.. you're the only alpha prince I know and I'm your mate!"

I frown. He exchange looks with his dad, I guess their mind-linking.

After a few minutes, he blinks his eyes and turns to me.

"Baby, he...."

"Don't try to tell me lies, I heard all your conversation. He said something about a life for a life, what does that mean?"

He closes his eyes and inhale deeply... he opens them and stare at me.

"Are you gonna die? Because of me? Is that what he meant?" I asked.

"Baby, take it easy. Everything he said are nothing but trash" Ray assures me firmly.

I think about it and nod.. he might just be saying gibberish words.

"Right, cause I'm not a witch, I can't be queen of witches!"

"Right!" Ray agrees and pulls me into a hug.

Ray's dad coughs lightly to remind us of his presence, I pull away from Ray.

"We must confirm if what the seer said is true, I have sent for the Rivera brothers!"

Why is he sending for my brothers? I thought Ray said the seer is wrong?

"Dad, we have an agreement!" Ray said in a bit of a angry voice.

"There's no agreement, she have the right to know as this concerns her!"

"But dad...!"

"She must be here and listen to our discussion!" His dad said firmly.

My grip on Ray tightens. I can't be a witch, I'm a werewolf!

"Let's sit down, baby!" Ray said and leads us to one of the chairs.

Writer's POV

He walks into the house and look around in disgust, his hand quickly covers his nose and he frowns.

"Kira, get me my disinfectant spray!" He orders calmly.

Kira quickly reach for it inside the briefcase she's carrying.

"Sire!" She said as she offers him the disinfectant spray.

He sprays it on a couch and sits down, crossing a leg on the other.

He reaches for a packet of cigarettes in his pocket and draws out a cigarette... He lights it and brings it to his mouth.

Inhaling and exhaling some smoke.

"Boss, he was trying to escape!" One of his men reports to him and throws a man in front of him.

He smirks and studies the man.. he's already beaten up, black and blue.

"Why were you trying to run away? I mean, where can you possibly run to?" He asked in his usual calm voice.

He stares silently at the man for a brief moment.

"Your son couldn't do the job and to make matters worse... He got himself killed by a woman.. he died by the hands of a woman!"

The man mumble some incoherent words since his mouth is covered.

"I placed high hopes on you and gave you an important job...but you gave it to your brat and now he's failed!" He said...a voice raised a bit.

He shuts his eyes and keeps himself calm...he straighten the frown lines on his forehead.

"I don't waste my time on people that doesn't add to my list of success!"

He gets up and adjusts his suit.

"Kill him!"

"Yes, sire!" His boss replies.

"Kira, let's go!" He said and head out with Kira following behind.

Stacey's POV

King's office...!

Dylan and Josh walks in, they both have a confuse frown on when they saw me.

But didn't say a word to me me, they walk straight to Ray's dad and bows.

"Your majesty!" They greet him.

Ray's dad replies them with a nod.

"Richardson, the seer just left here a while ago. He said your sister is the queen of witches..."

I study Josh and Dylan's expression, they don't look surprised... They frown but didn't look a bit surprised.

"Both your parents are wolves, correct?" Ray's dad asked.

"Yes, your majesty!" Josh replies.

They're both wolves, they're all wolves.. then how come I'm a witch?

Or was I adopted?!

"Can you explain why your sister is a witch and not a wolf?" Ray's dad asked.

Josh and Dylan turns to me, they stares at me for a few minutes then stare at each other... talking in their mind link.

When they are done speaking, they both have this realization expression on.

Josh and Dylan falls on their knees.

My heart starts beating fast as I can already guess what they're about to say.

Ray puts his hand on mine and clasps them together... He smiles at me.

"Forgive us your majesty!" Josh said.

"Forgive you? For what crime?"

"Our great grandma was a witch before she passed away...our mom once told us that every female of our family will carry on the witch bloodline... but it skipped our grandma's generation, she wasn't a witch... same with our mom!" Josh paused.

He turns towards me and smiles at me, before he turns back to the king.

"We thought it'll skip Stacey's generation too as both our parents were wolves...but it seems like it didn't!"

Ray's dad nodded thoughtfully.

"It's fine, you may rise!"

"Thank you your majesty"

They rise up. Dylan stares at me with a frown.

"Wait.. I don't get something, if Stacey is a witch.. why did she shift into a wolf?" Dylan asked.

Yeah, I think that too.

"The seer forcefully awoke the wolf gene in her but unfortunately it's not as strong as other wolves...the witch power in her, surpasses her wolf's strength!" Ray said.

"So now she can't shift into her wolf form?"

I stare at Ray anxiously...I don't wanna be a witch, I prefer being a werewolf!

"I'm afraid she can't!" Ray said.

I gasp. I can't transform into a wolf..does that mean Karen is gone?!

"Is this about the prophecy?" Josh asked.

Ray nods and I see Josh staggers back slightly and shut his eyes tightly.

"Is there no way to stop this from happening?" I found myself asking.

I don't want to be a witch, I'm a werewolf.

"There is!" Dylan said.

"What way?" I asked him.

"The prophecy states, a life for a life!"

I frown, a life for a life... Death?!

"Ray must...."

"Shut up, Dylan!" Ray snaps at Dylan.

He gets up and helps me up too.

"That prophecy is crap! Bullshit!" He look around. "Stop scaring my mate! I don't want anyone to speak of this before her!"

He takes my hand and pulls me along with him... I simply follow him without knowing what to think.

I'm too lazy to think right now.