Stacey's POV

Rivera's apartment...! 7:40pm...!




Where's that annoying sound coming from?!

I open my eyes and sit up...I was just crying a few minutes ago...when did I fall asleep?

I look out my window and realizes it's dark outside...night so soon.

The beeping sound comes again and I search around, I realize it's coming from my phone.

I reach for it at the edge of my bed and see it's a series of Jessy asking if I'm fine.

Maybe she heard about what happened... I sent her a quick reply, telling her I'm fine.

My stomach growls loudly and I decides to get something to eat... I'm heartbroken but it shouldn't prevent me from eating.. right?

Getting to the kitchen, I'm met with disappointment... There's no food.

I sigh and check the fridge for some fruits, I take two cucumbers and head towards the dining room.

I drop one on the table and holds the other one, staring at it....a smile appear on my face when i suddenly compares it to Ray's killer machine!

It's just the same size... I frown and gasp.

"So this is what Ray has being thrusting into me?" I exclaims mentally.

Maybe I should do some experiment and see if this can enter my body too.

I raise my gown and pulls my panties down, I spread my legs and brings the cucumber closer to my entrance... I slowly shoves it in.

My eyes grows bigger, WHAT?! IT ACTUALLY ENTERED!!

So this is what Ray's being shoving in me?! His d**k is truly a killer machine!

Wait...I'm heartbroken and should be crying!! Why am I fantasizing about Ray's d**k?!

Just then I heard a rapid knock on the door, I quickly pulls it out of me and wears my panties back.

I drop the cucumber on the table and skips to the door... the knock comes louder again.

"Who's there?!" I ask.

There isn't any reply but the knocking continues.

I opens the door slowly and sees it's Ray... I wanted to slam the door shut but he blocks it with his foot.

"Remove your leg!" I growled at him.

He shakes his head.

"No, I.. I.. let's talk!"

I humph with a scorn.

"We have nothing to talk about!"

I try to push his leg away and shut the door but couldn't.

"Baby, we need to talk"

"What do you wanna talk about with a lying bitch?!" I asked.

Anger pumps through my veins as I recall him calling me a lying bitch in front of his fighters.. what an a*shole he is!

"I'm sorry, baby, I didn't..."


"Baby, let me speak, I'm sorry I didn't know the truth.. I thought..." He trails off, leaving his words unfinished.

I raised an eyebrow at him, he tilts his neck and peeps inside.

"Can I come in, we need to talk!"

I stay quiet, I don't want him to come in but I can't chase him away either.. I'll just let him come in.

And let him fool himself...After all, I don't plan on forgiving him anytime soon.

I walk towards the dining table and he follows behind me.. I sit on the chair I was sitting and he sits next to me.

His stomach growls loudly and he chuckles lightly.

"I.. I just realize I'm actually hungry..."

I pretend like I didn't hear what he's saying.

".. can you please make something for me to eat?"

I bang on the table.

"No! I don't have time to waste on food that you're just gonna throw away!"

"I swear, I won't ever throw your food away.. just please..."

"No!" I said firmly.

He nods and picks one cucumber from the table and takes a bite... I look at the one he picked and bite back a laugh.

He just picked the one I shove in my p***y few minutes ago.. he frowns slightly.

"Baby, how come I'm tasting and perceiving you on this cucumber?" He asked.

Oh darling, you don't wanna know what that was just used for.

I keep a straight face and ignore him... He still continue to eat the cucumber.

"You can leave when you're done with the cucumber!" I said and gets up.

He holds my hand and stops me.

"Baby, I'm sorry!"

"Sorry? Sorry about what? About you and Juliet having sex? Or about you calling me a lying bitch? Which of them are you sorry about?!"

He drops the remaining cucumber and gets up too.

"Sorry for everything but I didn't have sex with Juliet, I swear, I didn't have sex with her... "

I cut him off with a scoff.

"Then what was she doing laying half naked on your bed?"

"I don't know.. I swear, I don't know... But I swear on my life, baby, I didn't have sex with her!"

I scoff mentally, as if I'd believe that!

He stays silent and wait for me to say something but I didn't... So he continues.

"My actions.. I overreacted and didn't handle things wisely, I shouldn't have jumped into conclusion without listening to your explanation"

He pause. He opens his mouth to speak but I stop him with a raised hand.

"Ray, I don't wanna listen to your explanation or whatsoever... What I wanna know is why you called me a lying bitch!"

"I didn't mean to say that to you, it slipped my tongue!"

I look at him as if he's gone crazy.

"You didn't mean to say that to me?! It slipped your tongue?!"

I get up and raise my hands in the air... I run my fingers through my hair and lets out a dry laugh.

"Ray, you disgraced me publicly, you didn't mean to say it but you still did... And your pack members were all there, they all heard you!"

"Baby, I'm sorry... "

I cuts him off with a bang on the table.

"Sorry won't change anything, Ray! What will they think of me?" I pause and close my eyes. "I don't even know what to say to you!"

"I'm really sorry, baby, I shouldn't have let my anger and jealousy get the better of me..."

I frown. Anger and jealousy?! What is he talking about?! He seems to notice my confused expression, so he said.

"I heard you and Mom talking in the ballroom... you said you don't love me... so I thought you lied to me!"

Wait... That's what he was mumbling in his sleep when he came home drunk.

"That's why you said I lied to you?"

He nods. I suddenly recalls when he was storming off angrily that day... He heard me.

"I just realize something, we shouldn't have being soulmate!"

"Baby, don't say that...."

"I'll say it!" I cut him off. "We don't seem to understand each other.. no! You don't seem to understand me... You heard something and couldn't talk to me about it... You started giving me a cold shoulder instead!"

"Baby, I'm sorry!"

I shake my head.

"You're not sorry! Why didn't you ask me?! You rejected my food and called me names.. a lying bitch, right?"

I should be crying when saying this but I'm not.. I guess I've cried out all the tears in my eyes.

"I'm sorry... I'm an idiot, just forgive me..."

"Ray leave! I think we both need a little break!" I said.

I turn away from him and fold my arms on my chest...I don't wanna look at his enchanted face...it might makes me change my mind and forgive him.

"No! No! No!" He shakes his head frantically. "We don't need a break.. we don't, I'm sorry... Punish me anyhow you want.. but let's not go on a break..."

I feel arms snake around my waist from behind, his nose snuggles in my neck... sending sparks into my body.

His hot breath tingling my skin, I sigh and lean into him...wait, does this mean I have being missing him?

"Baby, I'm sorry, come home with me!" He whispers.

Then it dawned on me, he's seducing me to forgive him. He's trying to use the honey trap, that's not gonna work.

I pushes him off me and take a step away from him... Creating space between us.

"Leave, Ray! You can't just insult me in presence of your pack members and expect me to forgive you privately and come home with you!"

He wants to speak but I glare at him and he shuts up... There's a brief silence between us.

"Fine, don't forgive me but please come home with me. The bed will be too big and cold tonight"

I scoff.

"I'm not coming back to your home especially not to that bed that's being polluted by you and your mistress!"

"She's not my mistress and I'll change the sheets..."

"No!" I cut him off. "I'm not coming back until you change the whole bed!"

Thinking about how she spread herself on the bed makes me angry.

"Ok, I'll change it tomorrow. Come home with me, please!"

"No, maybe I'll come tomorrow after you change the sheets and bed!"


I groan loudly. When I wanted his forgiveness he didn't forgive me.. now he wants me to forgive him easily.

Never! He'll have a taste of his own medicine!

"and I have a plan, a perfect plan, tomorrow would be so dramatic"

"Ray leave, I have class tomorrow and I don't wanna be late!"

"I'm sorry, just..."

"If you don't leave, I'll never forgive you!"

He takes a step forward and I take two steps backwards...he stops trying to get close to me.

"But baby...."

"Are you leaving or not?!"

He sighs and looks at me longingly.

"I'll pick you up for school tomorrow" he said.

"Don't bother!" I said with a straight face.

He seems like he wanted to say something but decides against it.. he turns and head towards the door.

I followed behind him, he steps out and opens his mouth to speak.. but I slams the door on him.

He thinks I'm just gonna let it slide after making me look like a fool in front of everyone.

I walk back to the dining table and glare at the cucumber... Ray's d**k flashes in my eyes.

I blink and pick the cucumber, I march towards the fridge and throws it in... I better eat something else.

But looking around, all I see is just bananas... carrots and cucumbers.

I groan and roll my eyes... Why did Josh have only long and straight things in his fridge?!

They all remind me of Ray's d**k!

In fact, I'm not eating anymore! I storm into my room and fall on my bed... I can't be eating a fruit and be thinking I'm eating Ray's d**k!

What do you think will be Stacey's plan?

Watch out for next episode.