Chapter 2 - A Closer View Of the Doubtful Mystery

Even if the crime scene is a setup, it's realistic. One couldn't tell the difference that easily, even I couldn't tell it. Well, if I had a really useful Metavoid, maybe I can tell. But this is a reality manipulator type Metavoid and not something that manipulates objects around. As I look around, nothing seems to be a hint, until someone decides to show up.

"Rilles, it seems that you have a death wish and I am happy to fulfil such an amazing wish."

A sudden electronic voice called out to me as if he knows who I am. An enemy from the past. As far as records go, everyone that I had arrested is still serving a prison sentence.

"Who the hell are you? What the fuck is happening here? What have you done to my partner?"

"Partner? You have to think about yourself first. Azalea Police Department(APD) should have thought you well, I am sure you are alright with a duel. My goal is simple, which is to leave no witnesses. Thus, no one could tell what happened here"

"Please, I am here for a job interview which is reconsidered and I don't have time for this."

I slowly backed away, but the voice kept coming closer. A pair of red eyes suddenly appear and the figure presents himself. The figure has a metallic body armour while the pair of red eyes is attached to the helmet. Even if this is an enemy from the past, no one could find this place. That is one of my hints.

"Do you not pity your parents who died in a tragedy years ago? Perhaps that should be your motivation to fight me. Perhaps I killed them."

"Don't ask for it!"

I shall not succumb to whatever he said. He wants me to channel all my rage towards him and puts me at a total disadvantage. I slowly clenched my fist and took a deep breath. How dare that person just bring up a trauma in my past. In response, I immediately ejected my daggers from both of my arms and got into a fighting stance.

"So you do want to fight. Bring it on then!!"

The figure ejected a blue sword from his arm and immediately dash forward at high speed. I raise my daggers just in time to block such a powerful blow. That blow I received could break my daggers into pieces and leave me exposed, but I am trained on such a level that I could maintain my daggers in shape. I retaliate by pushing my daggers forward and jump backwards to throw my dagger forward in an attempt to unmask that figure, but of course such effort is futile.

"Show me your Metavoid, Rilles. I am sure you have it in you. You have such a huge trauma, it's impossible you want to fight back with nothing but skills"

I am hesitant. If I were to show it, it could be a double edged sword situation. That figure knew a lot about me. If he had such accurate information, then my Metavoid is also known by him. Such taunts could leave me with no choice. I retaliated by dashing towards him and shoving my daggers forward, but he blocked it effortlessly. Our weapons clashed at such speed, but still it was futile. This figure really could prevent himself from exposing an opening.

"Is that all you have, Rilles? You need more training there. Perhaps if you join me then I could hone your skills to its absolute best"

I had to seal my Metavoid. Unfortunately, I am depleting in energy and there seems to be only one way.

"I had no choice then."

I took out a gadget from my pocket and put it on my wrist. This gadget is important as it gave me a boost and enhancement in fighting, the Light Transformer is what I called it. With a push of a button, it transforms me into another person. I lift it forward and begin my duty as a LIGHT member.

"Light, Transform!"

With that bright shine of white light, I am now equipped with a white armour with some red lining and amber coloured vysor. The good thing is that my whole armour is bulletproof, temperature resistant, electrical resistant and blast resistant. This is a special gadget given to me as a LIGHT member. This should mask the truth of my actual Metavoid, at least for now.

"So this is your Metavoid, huh. It is different from what I expected. But that is not an excuse to give up such tremendous fight"

"I am ready to fight. And yes this is my Metavoid and I hope you will regret it."

He began to strike back without holding back. The striking of his sword is getting harder and harder each time he deals a blow. With the help of my armour, I am able to block his attacks much better, but I feel like my arm is breaking due to the constant hitting, but it should be able to absorb all the damages inflicted to me. Thus began my turn to fight back.

I retaliate by doing a high jump towards the back and throw five daggers in circular motion to create a ring surrounding him in order to pin him inside there. Such a move is my signature move which I considered my trump card or my ultimate. Finally there is an opening. Without hesitation, I used my actual Metavoid so that he cannot defend it.

"Time Defy, Stop the Time!"

Yes, this is my true Metavoid. Manipulating a reality by creating a reality which could freeze anything in motion, even living things which had a duration at a maximum of six seconds. Given such a huge opening I throw my daggers at the figure to totally shatter his armour. As the daggers stopped in front of the figure, I retract my ability, in which the result is as expected.

"What is this Metavoid... It's"

I have confidence and physical evidence that this is all just a setup for show. As one of the daggers manage to unmask him, there is nothing inside the helmet but LEDs and other electronic stuff. Since I know it is not real, I decided to confront him at all cost.

"Where is the person I am with? I am sure this is not real."

"Pathetic....Everything you real."

Suddenly, I am ambushed by a figure from behind. I blocked it, but he managed to disarm me and put a gun on my head.

"Try something funny and you will die and regret it. Even if you have a Metavoid, point blank means nothing to your Metavoid"

Real shit, I knew that voice.

"I expected it.. Maybe improve your acting a little. Reaction is kind of a bit off compared to an actual person. Simply, it looks forced."

"The General did say he will reconsider your resume. Of course a special exam is required. The person you are fighting is not real, but it is simply just enhanced projection technology."

"Beats me. It is so real and very interactive. I have to acknowledge that the setup is indeed realistic. Everything is derived from memories right? The whole thing is a video recording which is saved into an SD card. No wonder everything seems odd. But I still don't understand the scent of blood."

He smirked. He acknowledged my attention towards minor details.

"Don't worry about that. As expected of the great detective in APD. My name is Kyro. Call me by my name and follow us to the conference room right now."

The whole setup then goes missing and what appears is just a regular lounge with fancy equipment and the finest wines available. I have a lot of questions, but at this point I am afraid to ask. One of the main concerns is, where do they have all the information from? Even if it is all just a setup, why is such information about my trauma known? All I hope is that they never figure out my true Metavoid and assume the Light Transformer is the main Metavoid. But for how long am I able to seal it? I am then escorted back to the room where I was in the beginning to summarise everything at once.

"After careful consideration and assessment, I as the General of Base Zero hereby accept you, Rilles, to join Base Zero. From now on, your working partner will be Kyro. After all the commotions, I hope everything will be fine."

"General, there appears to be a mistake. I am not looking for a partner. I am going solo on missions."

"Perhaps you misunderstood the whole purpose of this interview. We are having new members and only one showed up. Seeing you contribute to an odd number of available members, I brought him in to create an even number so that you would pair with someone. Plus, I am making partnership mandatory unless there is a required change. I hope that is fine with you Kyro."

"Yes, General. Sorry for my ignorance."

He is trying to avoid me but fate wouldn't allow him to do so. From now on I have to address him as Kyro. The biggest question of all time is why am I accepted in Base Zero despite having more candidates that suited their criteria. Jokes aside, but through this way, perhaps I can get closer to my goal to attain the Elita and the Ativa using the information from Base Zero. My identity as a LIGHT member has to be concealed, otherwise I am going to be making unnecessary enemies.