Chapter 5 - Resurrection of A Certain Tale

"Are you sure this is the exit?"

What is in front of us is no other than the exit that simply doesn't look like one. The lid is like glued to the ground and there seems to be no way to open it without making a lot of noise . Maybe it is to prevent some sort of a chemical leak from entering the sewage area. Seeing the situation we are currently in, Kyro decided to take matters into his own hands

"Step back, Rilles!"

Kyro took a step back on his right foot, summoned a bow and arrow, then blasted the lid. The whole sewer is surrounded by the tremendous echo of the explosion. Truthfully, the explosion was so loud that my eardrums felt like falling off from where they belonged. Also, I didn't know that he could summon a bow and arrow. But what matters now is that, the opened passageway led to an exit as light shone through the destroyed passage like a grand entrance. As we climbed the ladder, we finally realised why it is sealed. There is a road paved onto the lid. As far as I can remember, there is construction going on to turn the old post office into a research centre due to its strategic location.

One thing for sure is that we finally reached our destination with the objective on our hand. As we approach the front door of the lab, our path is suddenly blocked by a figure jumping down from afar. The figure has a metallic body and limbs. The figure also has orange lining on his legs and towards his heart on the chest. He wears a helmet with an orange visor, just like me. All I could sense is that he brings no good news and possibly is the perpetrator behind all these attacks. But then, he proceeds to speak.

"The deal is the package. Hand it over or die by my blade."

As if it was that easy to just hand over something that we brought here by our own energy My guess is he is a Metavoid user. If he is a LIGHT Member, he wouldn't threaten us like this. LIGHT members will not do this. Or at least that is what I am aware of. Plus he looks kind of a person from the LIGHT member due to his outfit.

" I thought Base Zero is dumb enough. Didn't expect someone to abandon the truck after that huge explosion. Not even a scratch is left on you. How did you even figure it out?"

"We are from Base Zero, and among all of us there is supposedly one intelligent person inside. Perhaps thanks to your inside information, you manage to intercept our secret mission."

"I don't do that. But my master did. Perhaps if you intent to challenge me, then you have challenged the wrong person. My master is to not be messed with."

So the master is behind the scenes. Then the master seems to have a Metavoid so powerful that he is able to anticipate our movements. After all the talk Kyro has done, he took a step forward. As a precaution, I slowly took a step back, but Kyro did not. Instead he drew out his machetes and got into a fighting stance.

"I better warn you. I am not here to fight, but if you take a step forward you shall regret it!"

I admire his bravery. But the villain is unknown of its attributes. The wisest choice is to not find out. But since we are here, we should defend what we have brought. I then proceed to ask the figure his name, hoping that maybe we are able to negotiate.

"Who the hell are you!!?"

"Nathan is my name."

"Nathan, perhaps we could negotiate about this."

"As the deal says. The package or there is no negotiation."

"Then there is no deal then."

As we reject the deal, Nathan immediately draws out his orange sword and dashes towards Kyro. Kyro held his machetes in defence to hold the attack done by Nathan. As Kyro glares Nathan in the eye, he pushes his machetes in full strength pushing Nathan and his sword away. But Nathan dashes behind Kyro and shoots a huge electric current which pushes and shocks Kyro towards the wall of the research centre. Not to mention, I have never seen an orange coloured electrical flow. Rather this is unique and there seems to be no way you could dye electricity just like that.

"You had a chance, but you chose to fight back. All out just to protect that package. Your partner is now stunned. Your choice, newbie. Surrender or die."

Now he wants to direct his attacks towards me, but a simple taunt as such is nothing to me. Seeing Kyro getting beaten just like that indicates that Nathan is no joke. Fine, I have no choice but to bet on the odds of winning. Nathan doesn't seem human, perhaps I am challenging a machine with greater mental capabilities.

"I won't die, just so you know. But I shall strike back for what you have done to Kyro. Light, Transform!"

I got into my battle suit and dashed towards Nathan. Nathan then waves his sword towards me, instead of going towards something more defensive. That simple attack won't do any good, instead I have my ways to settle such trivial matters.

"Time Defy-Stop the Time."

Everything stopped for the next six seconds and my intention is never to fight back. Instead, I seize the opportunity to analyse Nathan. After closer inspection, I finally found out what this Nathan is. All that shall come to light when this fight is over. The Six seconds is up and everything went as usual. Of course Nathan's attack has missed after all that time stopping trick. I took out my daggers and threw some of them towards Nathan from the back. Fortunately one of my daggers managed to damage his vital energy source. In an attempt to retaliate, he throws his sword which then circles around me, and he then teleports behind me with the sword and attempts to strike me using ambush.

"Time Defy- Stop the time."

I dashed forward, faced behind and threw one dagger in front of his face. As time resumes, he manages to deflect the dagger by turning his whole body into electricity. So he is machine. If not he couldn't react this fast to deflect my daggers. After an unforeseen attack, he then thought to himself.

"What is this ability? It's like he is a master teleporter! Impossible. I have analysed, but still that isn't enough electricity to stop his attacks."

Our fight went on for quite some time as we constantly clashed swords and evaded one another's fatal blows. Moments later, Kyro fortunately had regained his consciousness. I keep deflecting all of Nathan's attacks to buy some time. Kyro then summons his bow and arrow and screams at me to do my thing. He seems to be able to catch on with what I am capable of.

"Time Defy- Stop the time"

I do my iconic move in which I threw daggers in a circle midair to prevent him from moving. I threw one of my daggers in front. As time resumes, my dagger that is directed towards his head is deflected by his right arm, but the moment is not mine, but Kyro. Seeing that opportunity, Kyro blasted his arrow with a full force towards Nathan which resulted in the arrow exploding Nathan's chest area and destroying it. Surprisingly, there is no blood. Now my concrete evidence is present. He is a machine with a weakness in the chest area. After some smoke passed by due to the explosion, sparks formed throughout his chest area. But is that enough to take him down? Unfortunately, all that effort is to just slow him down and not obliterating him.

"You are testing my patience, Base Zero. So you are the rumoured one that is able to take down Arcadia? I don't think so, newbie. Your skills are great, but not at a level to defeat Arcadia."

Arcadia? So that is his master. But a faint memory about that name somehow appeared in my mind as if I feel like I heard that name before. Where have I heard it?

"If you drag my partner into this, then you have waged war against the whole of Base Zero."

"Such full frontal assault shall not defeat Arcadia. Before you could do so, I shall crush you with this Metavoid of mine!"

Nathan then sends huge shocking currents of electricity. Kyro tries to hold the electricity current with his machete, while I use my armour's defence ability to stop the electrical current. My armour is actually an insulator towards heat and electricity, but why did I felt weird as if my armour is not capable to withstand

Turns out the current directed towards us is too high in voltage that my armour felt like melting. Kyro on the other hand cannot hold much longer. Summons after summons of machetes have been made, but all become futile as it still couldn't hold it.

"Kyro, the voltage is too high. Our Metavoids could not sustain it. We are so dead, Ky-"

Suddenly it is raining swords coming out of nowhere. The swords are damaging part of Nathan which stops the attack at once.Out of nowhere a boy runs towards the stunned Nathan, immediately draws a sword from his hands and strikes the figure down, but he misses as Nathan jumps away from the scene. Moments later, Nathan is already seen on the roof of the research centre, which he then disappeared.

"DAMN IT!!!"

The boy grunts in annoyance. Thankfully he got away without destroying our objective. Kyro retracts his weapon and approaches the kid.

"Kid, you shouldn't be here. Anytime anywhere you might-"

"You, who the hell are you fighting?"

This kid is a Metavoid user of the raining swords. But the Metavoid somehow is similar to Kyro. We fought Nathan, but this kid seems to have more clues than I expect. My initial thought was to join an alliance with this kid. The only problem is that he looks like 12. But the bravery of this kid is like a warrior who fought for centuries. He must have been through a lot. Whatever the case, he is vital for information on what exactly happened to this mission.