
The sky is well lit with yellow colour just like a gigantic firework. The light is so intense, that everything could be seen without the help of any other lighting. That is the rocket that just exploded mid air. For a moment the whole city just went silent as they witnessed a tragedy. Evacuation process is underway, but the rocket launch is sooner than expected. Frankly, no one could survive that rocket if it hits the ground, but one heroic person decided to risk his life to prevent that from happening.

Deep far in the forest, there remains a child trying to evacuate some of his members away from the cave. But the explosion of the rocket shatters his heart for a second as he knew exactly what went wrong. The man he looked up to, the man he admired, the mentor to hone his fighting skills, is up there with the rocket. He wonders to himself, why does he have to go this far? He then checked his rabbit keychain which he snuck onto Rilles before he went to the battle and found the keychain(which is a tracking device) going towards the land. He then rummages Raz's pocket to find the teleporting pod as he knew that Raz did not use it. Fortunately he found a flare gun and the teleporting pod. He then shot the flare to indicate a sign of help. As the tracking device finally reached its stop, Vulcan inputs the coordinates and teleports to the scene.

Once arrived, he could not believe his eyes. Flames surrounded the empty beach and rocket debris were to be found scattered across the sandy beach. In the distance, he spotted a boulder with a huge crack in the centre. There lies a figure with his silver armour holding his sword tightly. Somehow the armour managed to protect him to such an extent, but the crash landing might be fatal. Knowing such a scenario, Vulcan immediately rushed to Rilles. He tried to shake Rilles on the shoulder to try to wake him up for a moment.

"Rilles, Rilles. Get up, the hospital is not far from here. We could-"

"It....is useless...Vulcan."

"Why.....WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF!!!! You could.....wait for the military....."

"I broken.....my promises. I promised...my son...that I would be.....home. But...I couldn't.....He must be.....crying. I am sorry....Vulcan. There is no....other way."

Rilles is dying. Such impact could not save him anymore. Even with the most modern technology across Azalea City, none could revive a dying body. Vulcan couldn't believe that he was witnessing another person leaving his side for eternity.

"Vulcan.....with my last energy...I need to tell you...something. Promise me.....that you will...fulfil it."

Vulcan had no choice, but to agree with whatever he asked. As Vulcan leaned in closer to hear what Rilles is about to say, Rilles took a deep breath and told everything with his final energy left.

"Take my watch. This is a Light Transformer. Use it when in danger. It has my Metavoid inside it. Also you need to find the Elita and the Ativa. They are holy weapons and need to be returned to the LIGHT Members.......and one final thing..."

Rilles rummages through his pockets and takes out a photo showing his family in the picture. He then pointed to a child in the family to show Vulcan who the kid is.

"This is my son, Radii. I need you to protect him at all costs. That is my final wish. Do you remember all of it? Promise me you will do it."

"yes.....I promise."

Rilles then decided to look up towards the moon and gave a smile as he remembered all the pleasant memories he had.

"I am lucky to have met you, Vulcan. You are unique. You are special. I am amused by your skills. And to pay for what I have owed you, I shall give you the chance to expand my legacy."

Tears started to shed from both of them. Vulcan then hugs Rilles on his right arm and screams in despair. Judging from the crying, Vulcan is extremely heartbroken that he had to face this thing once again. Rilles could only smile. As one of his tears fell towards his cheeks then to the sand, he exhaled for the one final time. That is the final moment of Rilles and the final Hope of Azalea. The legacy is passed to Vulcan and it is up to him to actually expand it.

After Rilles's death is confirmed, the game does not end there. Suddenly, lights began to shine brightly towards Vulcan and multiple red laser tags were targeted towards Vulcan. Bunch of soldiers made a formation in front of Vulcan while aiming the gun at him. Vulcan got up and looked at what was happening. From a distance, a recognisable figure appears from behind and it is no other than the right hand man of Raz, James. James decided to stand in front of the soldiers to confront the already heartbroken Vulcan.

"Vulcan. Under the laws of Base Zero, you are under arrest for conspiring with Arcadia. We planned to take you both in, but it is unfortunate that Rilles is gone."

"James. What the hell is this? What the FUCK is going on here???!!!!"

"I am sorry Vulcan. But Raz's order is absolute. To be honest, I don't want to do this. But a job is a job. And I have to take you in, despite lacking evidence."

Vulcan felt tense and betrayed. His heart is filled with hatred and his blood is boiling to the point where he clenched his fist as hard as he could.

"I am sorry. But I am asking you to cooperate. Then maybe we could negotiate with Raz."

"Stop with the crap, James. Raz set us up. Is he trying to get rid of us? What have we done so bad that we get to be treated like this."

Suddenly emerges a figure from the darkness of the beach. The recognisable figure points a gun towards Vulcan.

"At some point, Rilles doesn't make sense with his Metavoid. The first attack of Arcadia is the proof. How could he have anticipated the attacks with a total perfect accuracy? And you, Vulcan, created gadgets to assist him and that makes you conspire with Arcadia as well."

"You fucking peasant. Look at this fucking body that you called a traitor. He protected the city with his soul. A trade for the peace of Azalea. And you dare to call him a traitor?"

"You mean, sacrificing his life because Arcadia has another plan and killing Rilles is one way to get rid of him. I mean, Rilles did put up a good facade and a hell of a great show. How about you? Do you have anything to say, Vulcan. To be frank, I hated you the moment you entered here. Kids should listen to adults. Now put your hands on your head."

Vulcan is held at gunpoint and a slight movement will get him killed. He had no choice but to put his hands behind his back as instructed, but then he had a plan.

"James. Don't be soft on that kid. He doesn't deserve it."

"But the kid did nothing wrong."

"James. My orders are absolute and you know it well. I made the right choice and eliminating them both is my goal. They conspire with Arcadia."

James couldn't say much but to abide with the order fearing that he could get into a lot more trouble than he already had.

"Maybe what Arcadia has done is rational. To prevent corrupted people like you survive. You kill those with potential so that they won't rebel. I see."

Vulcan laughed as hard as he could. At this point, Vulcan is already broken on the inside and nothing could save him anymore despite being a kid. Without any hesitation, Raz instructed the soldiers to pull the trigger. James then decided to interfere but couldn't as the shot was made. As one of the bullets nearly reached Vulcan by two inches, Vulcan who had used the Light Transformer on his wrist while his hands were on the head, unleashes the time bending ability.

"Time Defy-Stop the Time."

Suddenly everything just went into flames and explosions occurred simultaneously. All the lights became useless as the flames took over the scene making it brighter than ever. Raz unleashes his Metavoid and pointed the gun at Vulcan, but Vulcan's quick action managed to sliced Raz's gun into half and stabbed Raz's on his right shoulder. As Raz screams in pain, Vulcan goes on a killing spree and kills every soldier on sight. He goes on to hurt everyone except James. He knew James had no intention to do so, but was pressured by Raz. As the trucks went into flames Vulcan stood on one of the burning trucks with the Darkblade and a red armour. He turns his head back to James, with his eyes of vengeance looking towards James as if he is staring into his soul, and then jumps away into the main city. James felt provoked and decided to issue the Destroyer Air Unit to hunt Vulcan down

Moments later a giant helicopter got visual on Vulcan. Vulcan is seen heading towards the skyscraper and standing at the highest point. As the helicopter was closing in, the helicopter began to fire some rounds towards Vulcan. Vulcan, who did not flinch, stopped the time and managed to slice the helicopter into eight parts killing everyone on board. As he landed on the road, he shattered the ground with all his anger. The purple Darkblade on the centre which is fueled by Vulcan's anger quickly became unstable and suddenly turned bright red. As more of the soldiers are approaching, Vulcan slams the Darkblade to the ground, shattering the earth once more creating a crater in the centre of the city. Until no one dares to approach, Vulcan fled away from the place never to be seen once again.


Two days have passed and the passing news of the greatest detective spreads across Azalea City. The whole city mourns for the death of Rilles. Everyone is saddened by the passing of Rilles and his cause of death is dismissed as a suicide. Radii and his mother on the other hand are given protection by Base Zero under the disguise of Azalea Police Department. That night during midnight, as expected by them, a letter arrived and they both opened the letter and found a note which was full of apology and tear stains.

"If you have received this letter, then you would have known that I am no longer on Earth. I know it is too late for now, but the only thing that I could ask from you both is to forgive me. I am sorry for not being able to be with you people for the one last time. I am sorry for being a bad father and husband. I am sorry for hurting your feelings with my sudden passing. I am sorry for everything. I just want you both to know that I, Rilles Gregory will live inside your memories and will always be with you. I love you guys."

Radii's mother cried. Radii couldn't do much but to comfort his own mother. But that night, he managed to uncover something that shouldn't be known. As he picked up the note to read it once again while comforting his mom, he smelled the scent of lemon. He then decided to wait for his mother to go to bed and finally he decided to go on his detective journey. He went to his father's room and found a lamp. He put the letter under the lamp and there revealed a secret message. He then cut that message out from the letter to prevent his mother from knowing. And what it read out from the message is as follows.

"Rilles's Journal. 3rd row shelf. Page 40."

Radii searched for the journal and found a letter in between page 39 and 40. The message is as follows.

"Base Zero wants to get rid of me. Judging from how Raz looks at me, he is constantly suspicious of me. I guess he found out about my ability. But they planned to get rid of me. Son, don't tell your mom. And I need you to carry on my legacy and destroy Base Zero into dust. Destroy every single one of them. Destroy all of them. Uncover their secrets. Don't worry, I have trained an ally. And he will assist you."

Radii did not expect his father to actually return home and put this message hours before his death. Radii immediately thought that the death of his own father was planned by Base Zero. And now Radii's job is to destroy the organisation and take down every single one of them. But then he needs a plan, which one of them is to join Base Zero and destroy them slowly. Radii closes the book and clenches his fist in anguish.

"Base Zero. I will bring you down with my own hands. You will regret this, Base Zero!"

~To be continued~