RDD 80

[Author's Note: Let me clarify some stuff, I stopped writing this novel. I'm just going to post it once in a while because it's a waste not to. Sorry about that]

RDD 80

So to make the story short, Santiago and I finished making the two cages within the whole day after we bought the timbers. 

Because Santiago has more knowledge of woodwork, I became his assistant instead. 

Our house has complete tools so the job was fast. 

Usually, Santiago has to cut the wood manually. But because we have a grinder with a wood cutting disk, cutting became much easier...

He was actually fascinated when I used the grinder. He realized how easy life was when you have the right tools. 

So regarding tools that need electricity, I'm the one who was responsible for using them. Although it's mostly the grinder for cutting wood. 

Once done, the ducklings and chicklings had their new homes. We separated them so that there won't be any problem. 

"Hm, I didn't see your friend this time Sophia?"

"Pwetty sister Charlotte is taking a music class... Dajjy, what is music class? Can I join pwetty sister too?"

"About that... You have to ask your Mom. But as long as the tuition fee is not expensive and your Mom agreed, then I don't have a problem."


Sophia sprinted with her walker to find her mother who was currently sobbing watching a telenovela. 

I actually don't understand why they like to watch this kind of thing. The plot is so cliche and repetitive that I'm going to fall asleep watching them. 

"What about you Roman? Do you have something you want to learn?"

Since Sophia likes something, I have to ask my silent son as well. I'm not playing favoritism here. It's just Roman is too quiet and he didn't like interacting with me. He said it was gay. 

"... Actually Dad, I have something to learn."

"What is it, son? Do you want to learn Karate, Taekwondo, or music? As long as I can afford it, I will send you to one." I smiled. 

At last, my son is opening up. 

"Dad... I want to learn how to be a Super Saiyan. I know it's not possible because I'm not a Saiyan, and I blame you for that. But I really want to be like Goku. If it's not possible, I want to be Yusuke in Yu Yu Hakusho. He can release a spirit gun using his fingers."

Roman gestured a spirit gun and Kame Hame Ha using his hands.


I'm speechless. 

Because I want to sign in too!

If there's really a place to learn those superpowers, I will not hesitate to pay tuition. 

Unfortunately, the Goddess is the only one who can answer that, not me. 

"Son," I tapped his head. 

"It's impossible to become a Super Saiyan and Ghost Fighter like Goku and Yusuke. They are nothing but fiction."

I comforted him. I was a child back then and my 8th-grade syndrome was prevalent even though I already had a girlfriend at that time. I was childish.

"... I understand. Then I want to learn how to be a samurai instead. I heard that samurais are real. Maybe you can find a samurai to teach me, Dad."

He was looking at me innocently and I almost felt bad. My son is still a child...

"Son, let me guess. You want to become like Kenshin Himura from Rurouni Kenshin, is that right"

"That's right, I want to become Battousai!"


I didn't expect that he would find a loophole to abuse. 

"Son," I tapped his shoulder.

"To become a Battousai, you need a strong body," I told him seriously. 

"I understand, Dad."

"Holding a real sword is not that easy. So I recommend you wait for another five years. You need to be at least ten years old. Do you understand?"

"But why?"

"Because holding a sharp blade is dangerous, do you understand?" 

I put pressure on my arms.

"... I understand. I will wait till I'm ten years old."

"Good... Now go to your mother and comfort her instead. It seems like she's crying because the female lead of the telenovela she's watching is getting humiliated."

"Okay, Dad!"


I almost thought Roman would not believe me. My son is smart at his age but I guess he's still an innocent child. 

"How's the cage?"

"Keith, they are working fine. The chicklings and ducklings love them."

Santiago showed up after checking the cages for the small birds. 

"If I'm not wrong, we can eat them after fifty days."

"That's good to hear."

"... Eh? Dajjy and Uncle are going to kwill the birds once they are old?"

Both Santiago and I flinched when realized that Sophia heard what we said. 

"Waaahhh--!!" She easily burst into tears. 

"S- sweetie, it's just a joke! Isn't that right, Santiago?"

"T- that's right! We are never going to kill them, they are part of the family!"


This is getting bad. 

"Wuuu wuuu wuuu, Mommy! Dajjy and Uncle are bad! Bad!"

Sophia ran to her mother and tattled about our crimes. 

"So you made my daughter cry?"

When Penelope showed up, we are already scared as fuck. 

"I'm sorry sister--"

"Shut up. Can't you see that I'm not in a good mood because the telenovela I watched is getting depressing? Yet you dared to make my daughter sad too?"

"Wuuuuwuuuuwuwu, Mommy, Dajjy, and Uncle are bad! They want to kwill my birds!"


This is getting out of hand. 

"H- Honey, let's talk about this calmly. Of course Santiago and I are just joking. We are never going to hurt them!"

My back was sweating as Penelope and Sophia glared at me.

In the end, I have to coax them just to be forgiven. 

I have to promise Sophia that I will buy her toys. While I promised Penelope that I will massage her back later. 

As for the music class, Penelope felt like Sophia was too young to attend that kind of class. Sophia already forgot about the music class after she cried about her birds' misfortune. 

That night, I "massaged" my wife very well and she woke up in a good mood. She already forgot about my crime... Thankfully.