The Horror Begins!


A skeleton arose from the graveyard and stared at Shina with the open socket.

At this moment, Shina's face was calm without any expression. 

"Grhh! Grhhh!"

Some more skeletons made a creepy sound and began running towards her.

"One may be born, one may perish but the balance should be an eternal law,"

Her brown eyes began turning green, and green mana surged in her body making her look like a force of nature.

"Amon aajx nasanina!"

Another spell was chanted in the air, buffing all the undead.

"It may be not easy for her to tackle the opponent,"

Miki's expression was solemn observing the undead.


Shina finally moved from her position and took a step backwards.

She took out the bow embedded with multiple enchantments and closed her eyes.

"Green Spikes!"

Her red lips chanted a spell, and spikes appeared on the floor.
