Hidden Talents and Family Dynamics

Chapter 17: Hidden Talents and Family Dynamics

Clap Clap Clap

"Congratulations, you finished your first hunt successfully, an achievement that only a few legendary hunters have done throughout history. In most cases, the hunt results in no game getting caught, especially for a hatchling like you." Tian Chang's face spoke volumes of the pride he felt for his son, knowing fully well that someday in the near future, his son would become a legend.

While Tian Chang was filled with love and pride for his son, Tom, on the other hand, was busy sorting things out, "Noor, did you store everything I just went through?"

"Yes, sir, every experience you go through, no matter how little, expands the knowledge bank so that you won't lose any of it."

Tom had a small smirk after hearing that, ordering Noor to show him his stats window. "Show me the current stats of my body and any changes that occurred."


[Stats Panel]

[Name: Thomas Blackwood]

[Gender: Male]

[Species: High likelihood of being a species that is similar to Homo Sapiens]

[Health: 48/50]

[Strength: 0.6]

[Agility: 0.7]

[Intelligence: 1.8]


"I couldn't do a complete analysis due to a lack of information; however, from analyzing the other kids in the village, you seem to have higher stats in both Strength and Agility, with the biggest contributor being your daily training and hunting experience. On average, a kid's Strength and Agility would fluctuate around 0.5 and intelligence around 0.3 to 0.4."

"It's good to know that I can take on a couple of other kids in a fight, and while I don't have any experience in fighting against anyone, I still can use these kids' immature mindsets against them if need be," Tom noted to himself the difference in stats between him and the kids while thinking of all the ways he will be able to use that.

"Host, if I may suggest, I think it would be extremely helpful to you if you increase your understanding in the way of martial arts."

"I obviously know that; however, it's not like there is a dojo I can enter into and learn their ways. I think if I actually want to become a better fighter, I must ask this father of mine to teach me from his experience, and while he might look like nothing more than a simple hunter by simply examining his scars, I can tell that they don't look like they came from a hunt."

"Are you ok?" asked Tian Chang. "Since you caught the Hare, you seem so lost in thought as if you were lost in your own world."

Tom gathered himself back and replied, "Yeah, I am fine. It's just that I was excited about my future and all."

Tian Chang felt a tad bit suspicious as he replied to Tom with a simple, "Fine." And while he might have wanted to say more, however, he didn't feel like it because of the time. "I think we should return home Since your mother will feel worried if I don't return her little gem back. I would assume that she is already upset at me for returning this late."

The father and son duo walked back on the same path they came from, with the only difference being the fact that, this time, they were carrying a big black Hare with them.

Knock knock.

Hearing the sounds of knocking on the door, Li Mei ran to it with all she had, hoping to see her son returning safely.

With a loud, proud voice, Tian Chang said, "Li Mei, look at what your son hunted today. Didn't I tell you that he is a genius? I can tell you he got a talent for it."

Once she saw that her son returned safely from his hunt, Li Mei hugged him tightly while saying, "Oh my little baby, are you hurt anywhere? Do you have any scratches? I swear if your father lets you get even a tiny blemish, I will make him sleep on the couch for a year?"

Hearing that, Tian Chang's face changed, saying, "What does he having a scratch have anything to do with me? I already made sure that he returned to you in one piece, which is much more than what my father did for me."

After Tian Chang said that, the two of them started arguing with each other. Tian Chang told Li Mei about how hard hunting is, and Li Mei told him about the suffering she needs to go through to take care of the house and her job. A person looking at those two from the outside might think that the two of them couldn't stand each other, questioning the reason why they got married in the first place.

And while Tom didn't really care for either of them, he knew that those two would die for the other without a second thought. "This is getting boring," thought Tom. "I probably could have used this time to train my body more or even studied some book on the local culture."

"Mom, do you need help with cooking the Hare?" asked Tom, wanting the two of them to get going and out of his sight.

After hearing her son say that, Li Mei had an apologetic expression on her face while saying, "Oh dear, you must be starving after all that you went through in that forest, going all alone with only your useless old man for help."

Tian Chang sighted while saying, "You know that I am the one who collects the herbs for your experiments, right?"

Seeing that her husband started showing off his contributions to the family, Li Mei was resolved to outshine her husband, saying, "You know that I am the one who healed you a thousand times. You also have to acknowledge the fact that without me, half the village would be either crippled or even dead."

"Here we go again," thought Tom while saying, "I think I will go to my room to take a new pair of clothes since my current ones stink. Oh, and I am going to take a quick bath to wash up. Is it ok if I go before you, Dad?"

"Go ahead. I still have to butcher the Hare and prepare its Fur by tanning it. Heck, maybe we can use this Fur to make you something cool. And by we, I meant your mom."

Li Mei slapped Tian Chang on the shoulder lightly and then turned her head at Tom and said, "Don't worry, dear. Once the Fur is done, I am going to show you all the options on how we can use it, and if you don't like any of them we can sell it and exchange it for something else. Go now, take your time, and enjoy the shower."