The Reckoning

CG Chapter 28: The Reckoning

The first rays of dawn pierced through the dense forest, casting a warm golden glow on the surroundings. Tom laid at the entrance of the cave, his body a mosaic of bruises and cuts. His chest heaved with each breath, a testament to the grueling training he had endured. The memories of the previous days had blurred into each other, with the only thing remaining being the sensation of the relentless torrent of pain and his diminishing perseverance.

As the sun's light gradually painted the world in its vibrant colors, and while the rays started to shine on Tom, his eyes began to open from their closed state. Tom was lost in the beauty of the dawn, an immense contrast to the agonizing training he had faced within this cave in the last couple of days.

Every ache, every minuscule pang of pain, and every cutting remark from Tian Chang reverberated in his mind, leaving him utterly drained, with barely enough energy to stand.

However, his thoughts traced back to the very beginning of his training journey when he had ventured into this forest with nothing more than a horse stance to train the first Ring, and now, as he emerged from this cave, he had simultaneously conquered three Rings. The realization hit him like a bolt of lightning, "Every moment of hardship had been worth it."

This forest, with its winding trails and treacherous challenges, had metamorphosed a defenseless child into a man armed with the ability to fend off even the most formidable predators.

Tian Chang appeared beside Tom with an aura that was seasoned with experience. "Little Dragon, you have surpassed my expectations; what you have learned in these past few weeks is more than what many could master in years." He said, with a voice that carried a tone of genuine approval that he didn't attempt to conceal.

With a smile, Tian Chang extended his hand to Tom to help him stand up. Tom accepted the gesture, uncaring of his body's protest against the movement, as every step he took caused pain to spread throughout his body as if his veins were being electrocuted simultaneously.

Tian Chang covered the entrance of the cave and then started walking into another place within the forest.




The duo walked until they reached a peaceful clearing near a river that merged with the waterfall, the very place where he had honed the skills of the fourth Ring.

Sitting on a makeshift campfire, Tian Chang prepared a humble meal for himself and Tom. As the two ate in silence, the cracking of the fire and the sounds of the forest created a tranquil atmosphere.



Tom's eyes wandered around as he glimpsed at the trees, and his mind started to drift to the accomplishment of his training.

Tom thought of how he hadn't gotten a chance to check his stats since they first entered the forest. He began to see that this was his chance to take a quick glance. He asked, "Noor, show me my latest stats."


[Stats Panel]

[Name: Thomas Blackwood]

[Gender: Male]

[Species: High likelihood of being a species that is similar to Homo Sapiens]

[Health: 69/70]

[Strength: 0.8]

[Agility: 0.9]

[Intelligence: 1.8]


Tom didn't have much time to reflect on his stats before he was interrupted by Tian Chang, who was pouring a rich, dark liquid from a small pot into two cups. The steam coming from the drinks carried an aroma that reminded him of a drink that he liked.

"Try this," Tian Chang said, handing one of the cups to Tom.

Tom took a cautious sip from the cup, the liquid's warmth spreading through his mouth. As the rich flavors danced across his taste buds, a wave of nostalgia washed over him, reminiscent of a beverage he had enjoyed in the past. However, there was a distinct difference in the taste, prompting him to inquire, "What is this?" Tom's curiosity was piqued as he wondered if this world held a variation of a familiar drink from his home.

Tian Chang's eyes glinted with playfulness, "Do you like it? This drink comes from a tree called Zephyr, which produces only ten fruits in its lifetime; thus, the name used by its few lucky enjoyers is 'Zephyrdeca.'"

As the two of them sipped the drink, Tian Chang's gaze suddenly shifted to the patterns that were left behind by the zephyrdeca sediments. A brief flicker of unease crossed his face before he glanced at the patterns of Tom's cup.

"Long," he said, his voice concealing a grave secret as he was filled with urgency, "It's time that we return."

Hearing what Tian Chang said, Tom furrowed his brows, not understanding why Tian Chang decided that they should go back so suddenly, "Return? So soon?"

Tian Chang replied in a hurry, "Yeah, it's time we return, or we will be late for the hunting ceremony, and you will not be able to join it."

Sensing that Something was off, Tom decided to dig a little deeper. After all, his benefits were on the line here, "What about the last Ring? You didn't even tell me its name?"

Tian Chang hesitated for a bit before he grabbed a worn-out parchment paper hidden under his hunting clothes.

"The Eighth Ring isn't a martial art in itself but more of an idea, a concept if you may. All the information you need for its training is written there. Consider it a reward for your hard work. Although I will note that you should only open it if you feel that you have reached a bottleneck in your training of the first seven rings." Tian Chang remarked as he extinguished the flames of the campfire.

Tom was now certain that Tian Chang was hiding Something from him since the sudden change in his mood was not normal. While curiosity was eating him alive, Tom decided to keep his mouth shut, knowing that Tian Chang wouldn't reveal anything to him.

The two set off on their journey back to the village, the forest whispering with life around them. The path that had once seemed so long and daunting before now became familiar to him.




As they approached the village, a scent of burning wood filled the air. Smoke billowed on the horizon, a complete contrast to the peaceful atmosphere Tom expected.

Tian Chang's gaze tightened, his face clouded with concern for his wife. He muttered in a quiet voice, "Something. Something doesn't feel right."

Tian Chang's heart raced as he caught sight of the village. Fear gripped this once resolute man as he ran with all of his energy, trying to find Li Mei. The world he had left behind and the family he left now became shrouded in uncertainty. Tian Chang's only thought was of his wife; he wanted to make sure that she was safe.

The village that was once vibrant and bustling with familial ties was now enveloped in chaos. Houses were ablaze, and the air was thick with a pungent scent of smoke. The heart-wrenching cries of the villagers and their children filled the air; a symphony of despair echoed through the corners of the once-peaceful streets.

Tian Chang's expression was dark as he surveyed the scene. The sight of young children's tender flesh liquefying and melting into the ground painted a nightmarish scene in front of him. As the face of his son superimposed onto the faces of these innocent victims, his rage reached a new height, and his bloodthirst filled the air. "We need to hurry."

While the two witness the same scene, their thought were completely different. Tom's mind raced. "What had happened during our absence? What was the motivation behind this? Things started to get interesting, and now this? I am going to rib the limbs of the person who dared to interrupt my training piece by piece.