Puppeteer's Scheme

CG Chapter 49: Puppeteer's Scheme

The days slipped away, with each moment bringing Tom closer to the climax of his devilish preparations.

Alone in his chamber, Tom dedicated himself to a ruthless training regimen; the air in his room grew heavy with the scent of sweat. He took on the appearance of a solitary figure, emerging only occasionally. Throughout this period, Alfred was the sole individual with the right and courage to visit him. He made daily visits to deliver both food and Tom's basic necessities.

The maids and soldiers within the castle were doubtful at first. However, once they witnessed him emerging from his room, exhausted and with his clothes drenched in sweat during the rare times he came out, they realized that he was training there, and their impressions of him began to shift even more.

While their trust increased, it still hadn't reached the point where they would side with him in the ongoing battle for the barony.

Some people would only move when success was assured. However, what they didn't realize was that the ship would have sailed by then.

As he went to Tom's room for daily chores, Alfred received his last order before his lord would leave in the shadows after Violet.

"Alfred, remember what I told you. Continue to deliver food just like you did, and don't forget to intentionally dirty some of my clothes before you wash them," Tom instructed Alfred with care. He didn't want his plan to backfire at the last moment; taking out Violet without being seen was crucial to his plans.

"Yes, I will take your orders to heart. But, master, are you sure you want to do it now? I am sure more chances will come. I don't believe this is the perfect time to strike," Alfred cautioned, hesitant and fearful.

"It's exactly because this is not the perfect time to strike that I must strike. I am in the shadows, and she is in the light. I know that I will attack while she is living in ignorance. Knowing while being unknown and attacking when the enemy least expects it is key."

"Yes, master," Alfred replied in a confident tone. The confidence and charisma of Tom shone onto Alfred, washing most of his fears away. Although he was scared of how his lord would go on such a dangerous mission alone, he understood that at that moment, his lord only needed one thing from him, and that was complete trust.

The sun hung in the sky as Violet De Marshal's group prepared to depart on their journey. Standing at the castle gates, they were unaware of Tom's shadowy figure following them from behind.

Tom had slipped out of his room long ago and waited at the gates before the sun even rose. Due to his meticulous planning, the castle residents assumed he was still in his room.

"Mother, ask grandfather to bring sufficient reinforcements and gold for me to eliminate Edward discreetly. If we are unable to handle it ourselves, we could consider hiring assassins from Alamut. Though they may be expensive, the investment will be worthwhile once I gain control of this territory and its riches." Timothy held Violet's hands as he discussed their plans.

The hidden assassins of Alamut were renowned as the most formidable assassination group; they held the reputation of completing any job, regardless of the target. As long as they accepted your order, you could rest assured that your target would meet their demise. 

There are rumors that they would even assassinate a king if the payment is sufficient, although no one knows if that rumor is true, as no one has enough money to put it to the test.

"Don't worry, that bastard will die a miserable death once I get my hands on him. I will torture him slowly till he begs for death, and from there, I am going to torture him even further." Violet replied while laughing. The hate she held for Tom was palpable in her voice.

"Lady Violet, others might hear you," Ambrose warned, glancing at the soldiers of the castle cautiously.

"You focus on your job, peasant; if you hadn't served my son properly through the years, then I would have killed you with that bastard for your insolence." Violet snapped, dismissing Ambrose's concerns and focusing only on her whims and desires.

Ambrose looked down; he had been insulted far too many times by Violet for the simple fact that he didn't come from nobility. However, due to the training he received from Folek and his deep relationship with Timothy since he was young, he remained loyal despite all of that.

The mother and son duo exchanged smiles. Timothy felt that he would finally get the title of Baron he desired so much, while Violet felt happy that her precious baby would get what he wanted.

Standing in the shadows, Tom shook his head after he heard their exchange. 'They really think too highly of themselves. Even if I hadn't taken over Edward's body, there would still be no way that Folek would let his priceless Flameheart fall into the hands of the Marshal family. He values the glory of this family far too much for that.'

'Now that I think about it he probably has plans of his own to take over the Marshal family, maybe even the Coralhelm family of Selina. And from what I saw, he has the capability and ruthlessness for the job.'

The maids held open the gates of the carriage for Violet, patiently enduring her incessant chatter until their hands swelled. She waved to Timothy before entering the carriage.

Inside, she barked at the driver, 'What are you waiting for? Move already! Can't you see that I am in this cramped carriage? I feel utterly uncomfortable.'

As Violet continued, the maids exchanged venomous glares with the soldiers, their eyes revealing a shared contempt for her. Accustomed to her being a complete whore, Violet took pleasure in making those around her squirm. She relished knowing she had the power to end any of them.

The soldiers harbored a deep desire to put an end to her existence, but the conflict between their hate and their love for their families, coupled with the fear of death, bound them, preventing them from taking any risky actions.