The Price of Victory

CG Chapter 116: The Price of Victory

The Eternal Flames' forces returned victorious, and as they marched, they did not look back at the blood-soaked ground, the corpses they left behind, or the families they separated on their path to victory.

Banners bearing the image of a fiery bird fluttered in the wind as the soldiers carried their bodies, which were covered in a sticky mix of sweat and blood, toward Futia.

From Futia, they planned to gather before driving the final nail into the coffin of the once-glorious seven kingdoms, ensuring the true rise of their empire.

As they reached the capital, the Eternal Flames' forces weren't prepared for the surprises that awaited them.

"All hail Eternal Flames!"

"All hail the emperor!"

Once they entered Futia, the soldiers were welcomed by the cheers of the citizens, young and old, but beneath the cheering lay a heavy sense of sadness and loss.

However, this sadness was only natural. When a new order overthrows the old, people naturally feel as if they have lost their very reason for living.

That is why it's important for the new order to ensure that the common class has something to distract themselves with, no matter how worthless it is.

Because what is important isn't the 'thing,' but that the people have something to strive toward.

A couple of the soldiers waved back, and soon the others followed.

This small, unnoteworthy gesture caused the young children to feel a sense of pride, as they began to daydream about becoming powerful and mighty soldiers like them.

As the parents saw the happiness on their children's faces, they told themselves that maybe a better tomorrow was to come.

In the middle of the capital stood a magnificent palace.

You wouldn't really be able to see it from afar, as its color created the illusion of being part of the mountain. But as you approached, its harsh yet captivating architecture would become clearer.

To both sides of its entrance lay two massive artificial waterfalls. However, it wasn't water that poured from them but streams of freely flowing golden sand.

At this moment, the leaders of the Eternal Flames gathered in the palace's grand meeting room around their new emperor.

"Can you repeat what you just said?" Folek asked the man standing before him in an irritated tone.

A young assassin knelt before Folek, visibly trembling as he spoke.

"The leader departed toward Auroria with a couple of our men shortly after we split. We wanted to send word to your lordship, but by then, it was too late."

Finishing his report, the young assassin stood shaken, not knowing what to do.

The heads of the noble households, standing nearby, remained silent.

They exchanged glances, unwilling to risk their lives after achieving a massive victory. They didn't want to lose the promised rulership over the new world.

Unfortunately for them, they still didn't know the true nature of their emperor or the nature of promises.

Tom didn't plan on staying in this world for much longer, and even if he had planned to stay, the first thing he would have done was to get rid of the nobles who had helped him to secure the crown.

The simple solution that most rulers followed--along with eliminating the remnants of the old monarchy--was to kill the killer, ensuring there was no competition in the new world.

Promises are a strange little thing. They might appear strong and binding at first glance, but they are among the most fragile things known to man.

A promise can shackle a man for a lifetime or vanish into thin air, leaving nothing behind but worthless words.

When they started to feel that the silence was going to suffocate them, Folek broke it. His brow furrowed deeply as he gripped the old table, not noticing that the strength of his grip had caused cracks to spread across it like vines.

"I knew it. That…" His voice trailed off, not wanting to ruin their victory.

Unsure of what to do, he turned his gaze toward Tom, waiting for his command. However, he was surprised to see that Tom didn't look angry but was instead lost in thought as he held his chin.

"How long has it been since our spies in Auroria sent a message?" Tom finally asked.

The assassin hesitated before answering, "Not long ago, Your Highness. The last message came when the leader's group arrived. A new report should have arrived by now, unless…"

He stopped mid-sentence, but none of the men present were simple, and they didn't need an explanation.

Tom shook his head slightly, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Hidden may be hot-blooded, idiotic, and crazy, but he isn't a fool."


Their conversation was interrupted as a messenger burst into the room, panting heavily. He bowed quickly, his voice trembling with urgency.

"Your Highness… I bring news from Auroria. The entirety of the Goldthorn royal family… has been exterminated. Including Earxl Ver Goldthorn…"

The room fell silent. The news was so shocking that if anyone had overheard it, they wouldn't have believed it.

Compared to the other six Grand Knights, Earxl's strength might not have been that impressive, but still, his defeat carried weight. What shocked them even more was the sudden turn of events.

Hidden, who had been injured, had gone to Auroria without telling anyone. With only a few assassins, he managed to take down the entire royal family. This action revealed to the noble houses the true power of the legendary Alamut.

Tom laughed. "Well, things are going in our favor after all. Right now, only one Grand Knight remains on their side. Despite how things were, we've won one battle after another. Even when outnumbered, we still prevailed."

He looked toward Folek. "Now, for the finale, I think I can entrust you with one final task."

Understanding his meaning, Folek nodded. He had already defeated a Grand Knight once, and with the full army's support, the last-standing kingdom would be nothing.

Tom rose from his seat, signaling the end of the meeting.

Looking outside, Tom began his preparations. His journey in Eldervale was nearing its end. The only memory that would remain of its people was that a nameless figure had promised them a glorious empire.