Oasis Part 5

The Wedge continued on, with the enemy Hittite forces being stabbed and skewered by the Egyptian Lancers as they pushed through the formation. The Hittites just saw a triangle of death coming towards them, and those that could tried to move out to the flanks and avoid the incoming foe. The issue for those trying to avoid it was that their colleagues squeezed them in and the Wedge got wider the further back it was, so more and more Hittites were caught before they had chance to move.

As the outer Hittites attempted to manoeuvre away, the Horse Archers and Chariots under General Tau and Subutai had circled back and unleashed their arrows in a targeted fashion, purposely aiming low at the enemies escaping, and reducing the risk of hitting their allies in the Wedge formation that charged through. Some targeted the Lancers whilst overs aimed for Drivers and Horses on the Chariots, causing chaos within the enemy lines.

"Continue pushing" Abubakar shouted excitedly from the front as he led the charge and stabbed his lance in to an oncoming enemy lancer who was caught in the chaos. His Lance stabbing through him as his horse trampled on the bodies of those that had fallen in the initial arrow rain.

"Kill them all!" Tomoe shouted in front of Dom, swinging her Naginata and decapitating Riders, Archers and Horses as she went. Her strong Red Hare trampling as it went, causing the surrounding horses to be wary. Her armour was coated in blood and her devil horned helmet shone in the sunlight.

Dom in the third row also stabbed with his spear, yelling along with them. He killed a rider who was passing on his flank, Cleombrotus was also busy stabbing away next to him, whilst Leonidas made sure to keep them in formation. The Slaying Spear felt fantastic in his hand and Dom felt like he could fight all day whilst he was doing it.

As Dom pulled his spear back from one foe, he made eye contact with a bearded Hittite lancer who was attempting to move out of the way. Dom quickly stabbed out at him, catching him high in the thigh before they passed in a blur to never face one another again.

"Just keep stabbing, just keep stabbing!" Cleombrotus happily sang beside Dom as he skewed through another bearded Hittite.

They continued to charge forwards, and soon passed through the enemy Cavalry who had lost all semblance of order. Some Hittites seemed to be trying to gather the Cavalry that were scattering, but those that did were being targeted by the Riverside elite Horse Archers who were following Subutai's orders to take out anyone that seemed to be trying to lead.

The Wedge was now gaining on the rear of the Infantry that had been charging towards the Egyptian front lines. A miss match of reserve troops were at the rear, as the better units had been in the front to ambush the Egyptian infantry. They tried to create a spear wall with the units that were at the back, but a quick launch of arrows from the flanking Chariots led by General Tau came and caught the centre of the line, before they had chance to recover, Abubakar charged through, followed by the widening Wedge formation.

The pace slowed as they crashed in to the thousands of soldiers that were stood in front of them, slashing away at the exposed heads and shoulders of the footmen below them. Tomoe continued to decapitate as she went and Dom struggled to hold his food in as he watched her work. A path was easily clearing and this allowed the Wedge behind them to continue it's momentum, causing chaos as it entered the rear of the enemy forces.

Dom continued to stab down with his spear as they rode, killing indiscriminately as he charged. His horse alone crushing and knocking over Warriors that weren't hit by the rows in front of him. The strong legs of his Red Hare stamping on the skull of a fallen Hittite and then causing screams as it's shoulder caught another, knocking a man over who was soon trampled by the horses behind him. Anyone that fell would be crushed by the few hundred Lancer Cavalry that were behind them and anyone that didn't fall was stabbed through.

"Keep sniping!" Subutai ordered his Horse Archers as they continued to target any leaders within the enemy Cavalry that had attacked them, they had felled several better dressed horsemen and Subutai held his Composite Bow string back tightly as he aimed slightly ahead of an enemy warrior that was gathering some forces to charge at them.

He let loose his arrow and it shot in a direct line, catching the enemy warrior in the throat as he charged forwards with the group he had gathered. Soon another arrow flew by and hit the warrior directly behind him, dismounting him from the horse.

"Good shot Banas!" Subutai yelled excitedly as he fired another arrow in another direction. Banas smiled back as she continued to fire at anyone that seemed to be directing the forces, quickly shooting an arrow in to the chest of an archer on the back of a chariot, causing the dead archer to fall on the man steering the chariot, which then crashed in to another chariot. The first one flipped and crushed the other, causing a mangled mess of horse, man and wood.

"They are turning!" Banas shouted back to Subutai. He looked and saw that the remaining Hittite Chariots and Lancers had given up and decided to flee from the field of battle. It was easy enough for them to do as the numbers of the Egyptian Cavalry was smaller, but the tactics they had used had caused there to be no leadership or chances for the Hittites to recover in a short time. It was the first battle in a prolonged war and not worth sacrificing themselves for a failed ambush.

"Turning now!" Abubakar ordered, slightly changing his angle of attack from direct to the right, making the Wedge snake through the enemy forces as they went, the enemy on the right were suddenly being attacked from the front and the back, whilst only having the right side of the field empty for them to escape.

General Tau ordered his men to fire in that open location and half of his Chariots started to circle again, aiming in to the unit that was now being separated from the main force. The other half continuing to fire in to the enemy cavalry that was starting to try and gain some semblance of control.

The trapped Hittites had lost their leadership and as they were the weaker units their morale was easily destroyed. The ones on the edges having seen so many of their comrades get shot down or trampled and with no support coming dropped their weapons and began to ran in to the distance and the one direction that they had free.

"Do not chase them!" Abubakar shouted as he turned his horse as he exited from the enemy lines, his Wedge continuing to follow and strike in to the foes. He continued pace as he continued to order. "Split!"

The Wedge split in half, with Abubakar taking the lead and turning to his left and striking back in to the exposed enemy flank who were relieved to see that the Lancers were leaving the compact forces. The other half was led by Tomoe and turned in to the retreating and exposed side, doing a long loop and then crashing back in to the large enemy force as the rear of Abubakar's wedge appeared.

Tomoe led their Wedge, with Dom and Leonidas behind her, and Cleombrotus and two other Riverside Lancers behind them. Their wedge of around two hundred and fifty riders rode in a zig zag direction through the enemy forces cutting huge paths and causing chaos as they tried to make their way directly through the enemy army towards the front line's where the Hittites had ambushed the Egyptian Infantry. Abubakar and his Wedge of a similar number did the same thing in the distance, and they kept pace with each other was they made their way through.

Behind them they could hear the sound of horns and drums beating as enemy units started to flee the battlefield, them quickly scattering in all directions. The enemy in front of them still fighting the Egyptian Infantry whose life was now getting easier as the Cavalry caused chaos in the huge mass of Hittite Warriors.

"Shouldn't be long now!" Dom announced as he stabbed down in to another enemy soldier, his Slaying Spear easily slicing through the soldier's shoulder and neck, before quickly pulling back his spear with ease and striking at the next foe, a trail of blood following the trajectory of his removed spear. The enemy fell one by one as he stabbed and trampled his way forwards. Tomoe easily clearing the way with her Naginata quickly slashing to the left and then the right as she decapitated her way forwards.

The Red Hare's of Riverside easily towered over the Hittites and their muscles bulged as they strained and fought their way through. Blood covered their flanks but the redness of their skin made it almost invisible to see, the blood merging with the horses sweat. The Sarmatian Female Horse Lancers that followed Dom on their heavily armoured Steppe Horses were also covered in blood and all of the women had serious expressions as they charged their way forwards, having never been in a formation or battle of this size.

The two Spartans also crazily stabbed their way forwards, their red capes fluttering. They made easy work of the poorly trained Hittites and Dom was relieved that he was in such a elite unit on such a large battlefield. If the enemy regrouped, they would be easily blocked off, but Dom felt safe with his Riverside group beside him.

"I see them!" Tomoe yelled from the front as she sliced down again, the blade on her Naginata surprisingly still sharp after the amount of bone and muscle she had cut through. She flicked the blood and tissue from the edge of it, before driving it back in to take the head of another warrior.

In front of them they could see the Egyptian front line fighting against the Hittite front line. The Egyptians held their line well but the battlefield was full of corpses as the Hittites used their numbers to their advantage. The Hittites however now were not pushing as hard, as they heard the distant retreat noises and saw that the forces behind them were disappearing as they ran.

However the thing that caused the Hittites to stop the most was the sound of additional horns from the front of the battlefield, in the distance behind the infantry another five thousand Egyptian Warriors appeared, with one thousand of those being Cavalry. It was quickly heading in the direction of the battlefield and the Hittites were suddenly loosing both their morale and overwhelming numbers.

"They are going to run!" Tomoe yelled as she could see that more and more enemy heads were turning towards the incoming reinforcements and the charging wedges of Abubakar and Tomoe.

"Use our Cavalry to block them!" Dom ordered, "Capture as many as we can, but don't risk your lives!"

The two hundred and fifty men and women under his and Tomoe's command accepted his order as the Wedge started to fan out in to a normal formation, fifty wide and five deep. They slowed their pace now as more and more enemies fled the battlefield and started to fan out and block those that retreated in front of them. The Egyptian Infantry also seeing this started to charge madly at the backs of the Hittites, causing chaos as more and more were cut down.

"Drop your weapons and surrender!" Dom shouted, hoping for a situation such as the battle with Tongpai Town and not at the Gluttonous Chief's Village.