
Dom appeared back outside the Town Centre, wearing his black armour, crested helmet and cloak. He had his sword strapped to his waist and his Slaying Spear in his hand. Waiting for him were a small contingent of Forbidden Guard, forty Legionaries a mix of both Legions and some Praetorians. There was also twenty Cavalry and twenty Hoplite with a handful of Spartans, just over one hundred in total. He wanted to take more but they needed to keep some flexibility with the defensive troops and the outer scout lines.

Beside Dom appeared his key Hoplite Guards, with Gregorios, Homer, Trojan and Hector who was holding a large flag that represented Dom, protecting him from the four corners. Chen Lu the Captain of the Forbidden Guard took point as the small contingent prepared to march to the Military Camp in the east. 

Dom mounted his Red Hare, which was waiting for him and held by a young farmer that had been working in the Stables. The sound of neighs from the different horses and the gentle growls from the Sabre Tooth Tigers broke the tension that Dom felt as he prepared to march to war. The Dire Wolves had been moved elsewhere whilst he had gotten changed, and he wondered where they had been taken.

"Good luck Lord Lazarus." Lucius stated as he stood at the Town Centre doors with the other Civilian Heroes. "We wish you the greatest of success in the campaign, I hope you come back soon."

"I will get news sent as soon as I can." Dom replied, before turning to his remaining Military Heroes "Look after Riverside for me."

"We will!" Liao Hua replied, "I just wish that we could be with you, feels frustrating being on defensive duty."

"I need someone to protect what we have built." Dom said seriously, knowing that this was a huge hurdle to overcome, not only did they have Tongpai Town to deal with, but the Type 3 Humans who were lurking nearby.

"We will keep Riverside safe." Xun Yan stated from beside Liao Hua, having gone over multiple plans previously with both Subutai and Dom. First defend the Inner Wall, then retreat across the bridge and destroy it if Riverside was no longer defendable. The final fall back would be the Underground City that lay to the south that Gan Ning had been converting in to a Southern Military Outpost.

"Make sure you stay safe." Meritamen commanded Dom as she reached up and kissed his cheek. "You are the Lord and should not put yourself on the front lines!"

"I will, I'll be back before you know it." Dom accepted, he was not going to miss out on the opportunity to get involved. He quickly finished his goodbyes and departed with his reinforcement contingent. The sun was high in the sky and Dom knew it would be getting dark by the time they arrived. 


By the time they arrived at the camp the sun was beginning to set. The moon was full and it gave the Warriors marching a clear line of sight down the quickly constructed road that the Ninth Legion had been working on.

Scouts had spotted them a couple of hours earlier and had already informed Subutai of their approach. Subutai was mounted on his horse with Xun You who was also mounted beside him on his Red Hare Horse. They were surrounded by a small guard of a handful of mounted Spartans, Dom recognised both Leonidas and Cleombrotus in this group.

"Not a full display this time?" Dom teased in greeting.

"I thought it best to let the Warriors get some sleep before we march at first light. I want to be in position to attack by this time tomorrow. If the moonlight is as good as it is tonight, we should have some good success." Subutai replied, before turning to the reinforcements. "Welcome Warriors of Riverside, we'll get you assigned to your units and your Centurions can give you updates and plans."

"I'll take them through and we'll catch up in the Commanders tent." Xun You said to Dom and Subutai, as he directed the reinforcement contingent to follow him. As he left, the Spartan Guards split with some of them following Xun You.

"How was the journey?" Subutai asked as the Warriors marched into the camp, leaving just Dom's Guards, both the four Hoplite and the Forbidden Guard, as well as the two Spartans that flanked Subutai. 

"Thankfully it was uneventful, the auction was successful but not as beneficial as the first. We did get some wine to celebrate though." Dom replied, "We also got an orange cube for some halberd wielding Heroes who could be good assets, but it's an opportunity, so I expect a trip like the Xun Family mission."

"When do you plan to use it?" Subutai asked thoughtfully, as they headed in to the camp and towards the command tent.

"I wanted to use it before we depart, but I'm not sure on the time." Dom replied as he dismounted and a Legionary took his horses reins and led it away to the temporary stables.

"We could possibly use it after our meeting, if the time difference is similar to the Xun Family mission, we could possibly sleep there." Subutai replied as they stepped in to the command tent.

Inside the command tent waiting were Tomyris who wore her now iron breastplate and matching skirt, her sword was strapped to her waist and her shield to her back. She wore leather saddles and had used black coal to create an eye shadow as she prepared herself for the next day's battle. Opposite her sat Tomoe who was wearing her full armour, with her two swords strapped to her waist. Her helmet was on the floor and her naginata was resting against the command tents central pole. She was eating some fruit as she discussed something with Tomyris. In the middle of them was the map that they had looked over last time and Subutai headed around the table to the Commanders spot.

"Good evening Lord Lazarus!" Tomoe said excitedly. "Thanks for inviting me on the campaign." Tomyris said with a serious voice, Dom waited to be chided, but was relieved when nothing came. Soon Xun You returned and sat in another corner of the room. He was also wearing some armour and had a sword strapped to his waist.

"Let's get started then!" Xun You said as he leant forwards and began to give some updates. "Originally we trained for a field battle, which may still come, however we suspect that we could do a night raid."

"A night raid does have higher risks, but based on our calculations we believe there to be a higher chance of victory with minimal losses." Subutai stated, "At our current development stage, we can't afford to lose more than necessary in the first battle."

"I am assuming then that a peaceful route is of the cards?" Dom asked.

"We believe so." Xun You replied. "Our feedback from Centurion Meng shows displeasure within the civilian population and very limited routes in to negotiations with the leadership."

"They have been unable to penetrate the Lords Manor area." Subutai stated, "They've also been unable to make contact with any of Centurion Meng's old friends. However they are confident in taking the gate as planned and giving us a path in."

"So what is the plan as we have two key objectives to take. The Military Camp and the Town Centre." Dom asked.

"A dual attack." Xun You stated. "Tomyris will lead the attack on the Military Camp tomorrow evening. The Balearic Slingers will work as a long range force and attack anyone on the wall, whilst Tomyris and a select group will then climb the cleared small walls and open the gate. The main infantry force including half the celts will then charge through and take the camp. Our key targets are the surrender of as many fighting men as possible and the capture of their Commanders."

"We intend to have some of the newly trained Shang Dynasty Legionaries in this unit, as we hope if they see some of their old unit attacking, they are more likely to surrender." Tomyris added, "As for the two Commanders, they are mine."

"What about the Town itself?" Dom asked.

"Centurion Meng will open the gates and Lady Tomoe will charge through with the Lancer unit, followed by me and the Archer Cavalry. You will then follow up with the remaining infantry and celts and we'll block the paths through to the Lords Manor where Lady Tomoe and yourself will attack. Abubakar has made his way inside and will support Centurion Meng to hold the gate." Subutai replied.

"We'll knock down those gates and take them by surprise, hopefully we can catch them alive!" Tomoe accented.

"I'll hold back in reserve with the Forbidden Guard you have brought, the small contingent from the First Legion and some Praetorians to reinforce where needed." Xun You added.

"It sounds like a good plan!" Dom agreed, "What about Gan Ning?"

"We've heard nothing yet, but we told him the timings and expect nothing has changed on his side. He'll block any retreat with his ships and the Phoenicians."

Happy with the plan, Dom brought up the subject of using the Orange Cube tonight rather than after.

"Additional quality is always helpful." Tomyris agreed, "I could definitely do with the help as I have the hardest task. I am for it."

"The main issue is weakening our current force if anything goes wrong," Xun You commented, "and then having to integrate new people in to our force. I'm against it."

"I didn't realise it was going to be a vote, but I am for it." Tomoe replied, "I'll go with you and make sure you are safe."

"It wasn't supposed to be a vote, but seeing that you are, what are your thoughts Subutai?" Dom asked.

"Sorry Xun You, I am also for it. Normally I wouldn't take a risk like this so close to a battle, but we have a good plan and the extra man power could be key." Subutai replied.

"Then let's use it quickly so we can work out who needs to go and the rest can get some sleep!" Xun You replied.

Dom agreed and pulled out the orange cube from his side bag that was tied on the opposite side of his sword.

"System please use the Halberd Twins Orange Cube."

[Halberd Twins selected]

[Scenario selected.....Reflections Peaks]

[During the late Song Dynasty, corruption within the government and lack of action from the Emperor has lead to a rise in Heroes of the Land resorting to banditry. Many famous bandit strongholds have appeared, including the Liangshan bandits. Travel through the Reflection Peaks before other recruitment professionals do so,]

[This is an alternative scenario, normal historical references may not apply]

[Quest 1 - Recruit Lu Fang of the Halberd Twins]

[Quest 2 - Recruit Guo Sheng of the Halberd Twins]

[Quest 3 (Optional) - Recruit their relevant bandit forces]

[Quest 4 (Optional) - Hidden Quest]

[Quest 5 (Optional) - Hidden Quest]

"It's a time limited Quest with the priority on recruitment before someone else does so." Dom explained, as Subutai and Xun You began to plan. "There are five quests, two Hero recruitment, one to recruit their bandits and two hidden quests."

[You will be arriving West of the Reflection Peaks and will have to promptly travel through. Your exit will be on the other end of the Peaks. Be aware that there is always danger in Bandit Territory. You may take two companions with you. Mission will start in 5 minutes.]

"I can only take two people and we need pace." Dom exclaimed, surprised by the low number.

"Tomoe and I!" Subutai said quickly, "We need our horses and weapons, if that is the number then that's who we take. I can protect you from range and Tomoe from close up."

The others quickly agreed and Xun You left the tent and spread orders to get some fresh horses for them. Soon they were mounted and the portal appeared before them. Dom was excited for what he felt was a race, whilst Tomoe flicked her Naginata in the air, and Subutai flexed his bow string.