A Very Full Chest

The evening had been eventful, it had started very positively with lots of loud conversations taking place across the different levels of the Riverside Hierarchy. Dom had been impressed to see how his Civilian Heroes had fully incorporated the Elite Villagers in to the central circle of management. Groups of people moved around and spoke with others, and Dom felt the community feel was growing well in Riverside.

At one point in the evening, Meritamen had come to speak with him about how with the all of the new members of Riverside, they would need to rearrange how the different government levels worked. He understood this, but felt it was best to leave that conversation for another day with his wider Leadership. Shang Yang, Lucius, Crassus, Hatshepsut, Xun Yu and Xun You would be better placed for this than himself. He would obviously be involved in the conversation, but their knowledge would be the key.

He had mostly spoken with the Military Leaders of Riverside, he had close bonds with the early members of Riverside such as Gan Ning, Tomyris, Subutai and the Hoplite Centurion Alexander. They had fought the first Riverside battles together back at the Gluttonous Chiefs Village and had now fought together again on a much larger scale at Tongpai Town.

"We will need to rearrange our military." Subutai had said seriously whilst they discussed. "Every time we rearrange it, something major changes and we have to rearrange it again."

"Let's wait until I see the rewards first." Dom replied, agreeing with Subutai's comment. 

"I don't disagree, lets have a few days relaxation first and then deal with this in a few days." Gan Ning joked, "I think there is time for serious conversation ahead."

"As long as I can finish exploring the north west I will be happy." Tomyris added with a smile, all jovial from drinking Peruda's collection that she had created. The woman in question was one of the centres of attention tonight, which Dom thought was funny as she hadn't been a warrior involved, but instead had just supplied the first good alcohol created in Riverside.

As the night had gone on, people gradually left. The first to leave were the Centurions who wanted to make sure the Warriors had all settled back in, these were followed by Xun Yan who had refrained from drinking, having wanted to keep a sound mind when still on defence mode. The next to go were the varying Elite Villagers from Riverside and Tongpai Town.

"I think it's time to go and rest." Lucius had announced to those remaining, "Tomorrow is a day of rest whilst the celebrations for the following day are finalised. We will all have roles assigned to us by Lady Meritamen, so I will let her speak before we leave."

"Thank you Lucius." Meritamen replied kindly. "I will speak with you all individually tomorrow, but the celebrations will include the Games we have spoken about previously, I have had notices put up across Riverside so that Civilians and Warriors alike can join them. I feel it will be a great opportunity for some of those from Tongpai Town to get involved. There will also be a feast with a variety of food, this will be set up in the market area. We also will be officially opening the first stores that have been built so that members of Riverside can start to buy things for themselves and grow their town. Lucius do you want to continue?"

"Thank you Lady Meritamen." Lucius replied, "The rest we will discuss once the Lord returns, for now, thank you and enjoy some much needed respite."

Those remaining, mainly the Heroes of Riverside, bid their farewells and left in groups, the injured Heroes dragged back towards the Doctors by Hua Tou, whilst those who lived at the Heroes Hall headed towards there. Some of the central houses had now been built that were for Heroes and guests, so others headed towards them. The manors themselves that Crassus had pushed for having been paused until the residents of Tongpai Town had been settled. 

The only ones that stayed behind were those that currently lived in the Town Centre, Dom, Meritamen and Tomoe. Everyone now had a temporary residence, however Tomoe had declared she was staying as the last line of defence if Riverside was breached. The three of them headed upstairs to the living area, where Tomoe disappeared to her own room swiftly. She had drank a fair bit and had stumbled up the stairs, her bed calling her. When Tomoe slept, she was very much asleep. 

Meritamen had given Dom a kiss good night before heading to her own room, this had left Dom surprised at first, especially after everything that had happened the night previous, but then he realised he had to check through all of his rewards that lay in his chest and Meritamen was giving him the privacy to do so.

He headed in to his room, having not seen it in what felt like a long time. In reality it had only been a couple of days for himself, but with the time difference in game it felt much longer. The room had been well maintained and it was clear that it had been cleaned before his arrival. He quickly undressed himself and put on a comfortable robe that was made from a soft wool that had been purchased by his maids from one of the market stalls. Ban Jieyu had been a huge asset to Riverside since she had arrived, doing lots of things silently in the background.

After he was dressed, he excitedly headed towards the chest at the bottom of his bed. He grabbed the rim of the lid and lifted it, gazing inside at the large amount of items inside. 

"System, is this correct?" Dom asked as he looked at the large amount of items.

[Inside are your currently held items.

The Building Cubes from Tongpai Town that were claimed by your units.

The Mission Rewards for Conquering Tongpai Town.]

Dom placed the Cubes he had in his package to the side of the chest and asked the System to summarise what was inside.

[One White Invitation Letter - Previously Owned

Two Golden Tokens - Previously Owned

One Special Orange Family Cube - Previously Owned

One General Order Token - Previously Owned

One Green Cube - Town Centre Grade D - In Hand

One Green Cube - Beast Hall - In Hand

One Green Cube - Arena - From Merged Damaged Cubes]

These were all the items that Dom was already aware off, he had plans to use the Golden Tokens when he was settled in to Central University, and he still had decisions to make on the Family Cube. The General Order Token he hoped would come in handy on one of the Special Missions from the Golden Tokens, but he knew how key that item could be and didn't want to waste it.

He was surprised at the merged building being an Arena, but he felt a combination of a Warriors Hall and a Prison could be an Arena. His mind began to wander on what other combinations could be, but decided to think about that another day and look at the rest of the items.

[One Green Cube - Town Centre Grade B - Gathered from Tongpai Town

One Green Cube - Shang Swordsmen Warriors Hall Grade D - Gathered from Tongpai Town

One Green Cube - Docks - Gathered from Tongpai Town

One Green Cube - Merchant Ship Shipyard - Gathered from Tongpai Town

One Green Cube - Blacksmiths - Gathered from Tongpai Town

One Green Cube - Potters - Gathered from Tongpai Town

One Green Cube - Basic Market - Gathered from Tongpai Town

One Green Cube - Tavern - Gathered from Tongpai Town

One Green Cube - Wine Maker - Gathered from Tongpai Town

One Green Cube - Vineyard - Gathered from Tongpai Town

One Green Cube - Warehouse - Gathered from Tongpai Town

One Green Cube - Improved Military Camp - Gathered from Tongpai Town

Two Green Cubes - Mine - Gathered from Tongpai Town]

Dom was surprised that they had gathered fourteen different buildings, he was aware of the Town Centre and some of the buildings, but he was surprised by the Military Camp being a spawned building and he was unaware of where the Vineyard Green Cube had come from. Overall though, even though they were all level one buildings and wouldn't help with the Town Centre upgrades, he was excited at the additional perks they could bring to Riverside.

He was also excited at the fact he had two Town Centre Cubes, meaning they could expand Riverside as a region as he had planned, the question was where they would do it, but that was a wider planning conversation.

[Two White Resource Cubes - Mission Rewards

One Green Cube - Building Clone - Mission Rewards

One Blue Elite Unit Cube - Mission Rewards

Two Wooden Upgrade Tokens - Mission Rewards] 

Dom was happy with his Mission Rewards, but part of him expected more. He had conquered a large enemy, fighting consecutive battles. He wasn't disappointed though, the Wooden Tokens were key and he would definitely upgrade the Trireme Shipyard with one or both of them. The Elite Unit Cube was also a big benefit as it gave a quick boost to his Military, but he had to put thought in where to use it, or if he should save it. He was interested in what the Green Building Clone Cube did though and what the scope of it was.

"System, is this all of the rewards?" Dom asked first, before asking about the Building Clone Cube.

[That is correct, the mission was to conquer a Town, this mission was completed to a high grade and the rewards are balanced with the direct items gathered from the location.]

"What does the Building Clone Cube do?" Dom asked, deciding against being greedy and asking for more rewards.

[It can be used to clone a current building type so that you have two of them. It can not be used on buildings that spawn in population. So it can not be used on a Town Centre, Heroes Hall or a Warriors Hall.]

"Can it be used on something like an Animal Husbandry, Stables or a Beast Hall?" Dom asked, as these weren't human units.

[No, it can not be used on a building that has a population spawn.]

"What about the Shipyard?" Dom asked, wondering if he could have two Trireme shipyards, now that he had excess population, he could more easily crew them.

[The Shipyard can be cloned, however there would be a re-roll of the ship type.]

He now had an additional route to expanding his much needed navy, but he would speak with the others first in case someone had a better idea than him. He closed the lid and headed to the bed, getting himself comfortable as he thought through his plans, he felt it was more important to decide on where the new Town's would be placed before he spawned the building cubes, as some may be worth placing at different locations. He just hoped that he had enough Military to defend them all.

"System, what missions do I have outstanding?" Dom asked, thinking that would be the best way to increase the growth for what could now be three locations.

[All Missions have been completed, would you like to request some new ones?]

"Yes please!" Dom replied, thinking about how many he should choose.

[Would you like to choose a number of quests, or select a main quest?]