Chapter 47: The Three Towers

The ancient tree crumbled and disintegrated, reduced to mere ashes before Raven's eyes. 

With its destruction, the very foundation of this place seemed to crumble along with it. The imposing wall that had blocked his path upon entry came crashing down, but it was not the only wall to fall.

On the exact opposite side, another wall crumbled, revealing a previously inaccessible path. 

It appeared as if this second path was meant to open only after the player passed a trial. But now that everything here was destroyed, the wall came crashing down as well. 

Raven stood at a crossroads, presented with two options. He could either retreat along the path he had come from or venture forward into the unknown, taking the new path that might lead to the exit. 

Eventually, he came to a decision. He drank a healing potion, and even gave a little to Elia, who was hurt in the battle with him as well.