Chapter 74: Vaelor's Move

Raven entered the majestic Colosseum, which looked even more magnificent from the inside. 

As he walked through the grand arches, Raven couldn't help but marvel at the intricate details carved into the stone walls, telling stories of ancient battles. 

Inside the Colosseum, the atmosphere was electric. There were thousands of people inside the Colosseum, all settled in their seats. 

Most of those people were Players who couldn't clear the first floor, while there were also some players who came from the Higher Floors. 

The Players from first Floor couldn't go up without clearing trials but the players from Higher Floors could easily come down. However, there was a restriction to that as well. 

Only Players who hadn't crossed the 50th floor could come down to the Lower Floors. Everyone who had passed through the 50th floor couldn't come down.