Chapter 144: ASTRAL

A Guild Pass had become one of the rarest items in the Three Towers. After all this time, it was almost impossible to find a Guild Pass, for any player. That was the only reason that the number of Guilds was so limited, despite most Players desiring to have a Guild of their own. 

There were a lot of advantages to having a Guild. With Guild, one could take part in the Guild Wars and get additional benefits. 

Moreover, there were also some Floors that could only be cleared when one was part of a Guild. Clearing those Floors solo was almost impossible. 

Because of their limited numbers, Guilds had become the organizations that everyone wanted to join, no matter what. Players were willing to sacrifice a lot, just to join a Guild, even if it was a small guild. 

The Players who were selected by the bigger guilds thanked their luck, while ones who were selected by smaller guilds also felt relief that they didn't have to climb solo.