Chapter 157: Tower of Heroes

The Sunfire of Ra had yet to progress into its Divine form, known as the Divine Sunfire of Ra. Raven was unsure about the specific requirements needed for this evolution, but he had some theories in mind.

The most plausible theory was that he had to receive the Bloodline of Ra but there was no way for him to confirm this without testing. For the time being, he only focused on the skills he had. 

During the weeks of training, he diligently honed his skills, and with each passing day, his mastery over them grew exponentially.

With the Immense improvements in skills, his fighting style also went through a little change. Previously, his fighting style could best be described as crude and unrefined, but now it was quite different. 

His combat technique was not solely dependent on his weapon but also heavily relied on his skills. He achieved a better integration of both skills and swordsmanship.