Chapter 206: Hammer of Haphaestus

In the eerie light of his flames, Raven saw that the walls of this new chamber were covered in intricate, grotesque carvings. They depicted scenes of suffering and torment, with nightmarish creatures inflicting unspeakable horrors upon hapless victims.

As he studied the disturbing artwork, Raven realized that these carvings were not static. They seemed to writhe and shift, as if the very stone was alive. It was as if the maze itself was trying to communicate something, something dark and foreboding.

He looked around, trying to find an exit in this place, but there was none. This was a small room. Even the place where he fell was hundreds of miles above, and was already closed now.

He could use his Heavenly Steps to find his way back, but it felt unlikely that he could get to touch height. Moreover, he could feel that this room wasn't something like a prison. Instead, it was something different.