The First Song: Shine

The day of their big debut had finally arrived, and Irina was feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. She had been training for years with her best friend Cecilia to become idols, and now they were finally going to achieve their dream.

She looked to her side and saw that Cecilia was also nervous. She didn't know how to calm her friend as she herself was quite nervous.

( Would I do okay?

Will the audience love our performance?

It's everything going to be okay?

Will I make mistakes? )

Multiple questions were running through her head whose answers would probably not be answered until she goes and performs in front of the crowd. Her hands and legs were even trembling a little.

( I have trained for years. I can't mess it up. )

Irina keeps having such thoughts.

"Sh*t! What's with this flower? Someone come and replace it."

Alan said in his irritating voice.

"R-right away!"

Someone answered immediately as they changed the flower that was there.

"And change that light!"


"Pui! Haha… "

Irina laughed loudly. It was a funny scene of a 16-year-old going around and scolding elderly people. Even Cecilia was holding in her laughter. For the past few days, she had seen a new side of Alan that she never thought he had.

Of course, his anger was one. But also how hard-working and caring he was. Even though he was already busy, he would make time to check on her and Irina. She also thought that Alan was quite brave, being able to take charge of things even though he had only been here for a short period of time.

"Tch! What are they even doing?"

Alan said before making his way toward Irina and Cecilia.

Nowadays, with how busy and taxing the work was around here, Alan's temper increased. Because he was taking responsibility for everything, he would get upset at even the slightest mistake that was made.

While not a big mistake, Alan inevitably seemed to be speaking in an irritating voice because of lack of sleep. Otherwise, he would always try to be respectful of everyone and rarely yell at others excluding Irina who could manage to always annoy him.

After overseeing some things, Alan finally came to where Irina and Cecilia were resting. Because of other work, Alan was not sure about how their training had turned out but he was confident that they would do good based on the initial practices that he watched.

"How are you two doing? Everything is fine?"

Alan asked.

"Honestly speaking I am quite nervous and not confident."

Irina spoke. She told the truth which was very rare. She was the kind of girl who would never show her vulnerable side, especially to Alan.

"Oie, Oie! Don't scare me. You! No confidence? Nervous? Don't tell me that you're feeling sick!"

Alan said. He was pretty serious when he said that. Ever since he was small, he had never seen anyone as dauntless as Irina.

"Huh? So what? I can't be nervous? You think that I am some kind of emotionless person?"

Irina yelled. She thought that Alan would try to comfort her or something but it turns out that Alan was just mocking her like he always does.

"If you are nervous, why don't you drink water or something? Maybe breathing might help."

Alan suggested. He thought that Irina might really be nervous and he should probably give some advice like the real manager that he is.

"Leave it! I no longer need your stupid ideas."

Irina said. She said that in anger as always but it was also the truth. The nervousness that she felt a moment ago had all vanished the moment she started to argue with Alan. Truthfully, Alan being here was a big help to her mental state.

She was competitive at a very young age and the person she would compete with the most would be Alan. That's why she doesn't like to show much of her weak side to Alan.

"Well, that is good then. The concert will be starting."

Alan said.

"Cecilia, are you feeling okay? Do you need any help?"

Alan asked. He was completely different from how he was to Irinia. When asking Cecilia, Alan was prepared to do everything she asked of him.

"I was a little nervous but I think I am fine now. Thanks!"

Cecilia replied. She also almost forgot about her performance when Irina and Alan argued. Although she was feeling a little nervous, she felt that it was normal, especially when it was such a big moment for her.

Furthermore, her nervousness was nothing in front of the excitement that she felt. With all the practices that she and Irina had, she was confident that their debut would be a success.

Alan saw that they were feeling okay. Then he proceeded to talk about how to go on with their performances.


The debut was finally going to start and it was first going to be Irina's solo song. It was a crucial first performance that would set the mood for the whole concert.

"Do your best!"

Alan said.

"Good luck! I know you will do well!"

Cecilia encouraged her friend.

Irina gave a small nod before going onto the stage.

The crowd erupted in cheers. Many of them didn't really know who Irina and Cecilia were but still came to watch the concert as they were pretty.

And most of their expectations were fulfilled as Irina looked extremely gorgeous tonight. She was wearing a short, flirty dress in a deep shade of red, made of lightweight, flowy fabric that swished around her legs as she moved. The dress had a plunging neckline and thin spaghetti straps, giving her a delicate and feminine appearance.

The skirt of the dress was tiered, with layers of ruffles that added volume and movement, making it perfect for the high-energy dance performance they were about to give. Irina had paired the dress with strappy black heels that added height to her petite frame and elongated her legs.

Her hair was styled in loose waves that fell around her shoulders, framing her face and accentuating her bright, doe-like eyes. Her makeup was understated but elegant, with a subtle smokey eye and a glossy nude lip.

As she stepped onto the stage, the audience erupted in cheers and applause, their eyes fixed on her stunning appearance. Those who came just for their looks were not disappointed at all as Irina looked extremely pretty.

Irina took a deep breath, her nerves fading away as the music started and she launched into the first song of the set, her dress swirling around her in a beautiful, mesmerizing display.

She could feel her heart racing. The lights dimmed, and the crowd erupted into cheers as the first notes of music began to play. The stage was set with glittering lights and neon accents, and the energy in the room was palpable. She closed her eyes to get the timing right.

( It's going to be alright! This is the moment I had always wanted. Let me show the world who Irina Starlight is! )

Irina thought.

Then she slowly opened her eyes as she began to sing.

[ I was just a girl with a dream

Never thought that it could be

More than just a fantasy

But I kept chasing, never letting go

I'm gonna shine, shine, shine

Like a star that lights up the sky

Gonna take this stage, make it mine

And never look back, never say die …]

The song of the name was called 'Shine' and is from the planet of Kepler. It was of advanced quality. Alan felt that it suited to be the first song about how they have worked hard and how they would become stars and shine.

[ Now I'm standing here in front of you

Ready to show you what I can do

All my dreams are coming true

I'm gonna shine, and it's all thanks to you … ]

The audience was surprised and mesmerized by Irina's singing. Not only was her look perfect, but her voice was also soothing and full of emotion. Many didn't expect such a good performance from an idol who is performing for the first time.

[ I'm gonna keep on shining

My light will never fade

I'm an idol, and I'm proud

Of the journey that I've made. ]

Irina slowed her tempo as the song came to an end. The crowd listened carefully and was left yearning for more.


Thousands of people who came to watch the concert cheered and called out Irina's name. It was the perfect performance that Irina could give.

Cecilia and Alan who were watching from behind the stage smiled. Their debut first song could not be better than this. Now, to follow up on that incredible performance was Cecilia. Because of such high performance, it is bound to increase the standard and expectation of the audience of follow-up performances.

Cecilia took a deep breath and stepped forward.