The Guy Who Insults Songs!

"The prelude to this song, um, it does sound good. Although I am a music reviewer that insults, I am fair and just. I think the music sounds okay but it might not be good afterward. Let's continue listening and judge it afterward!"

John's remarks which are contrary to what he is really known for were not actually hated by the audience but also won the approval of many people.

"There's nothing wrong with the prelude to this song. I like listening to John's rants because he doesn't aim at nothing. But there must be a reason why this song is ranked at the bottom. It won't be too late to rant later," said one person.

"That's right! I think so too. John criticizes songs, but you can't criticize randomly. It has to be well-founded and convincing," added another person.

"I quite like this prelude, but it's a pity that the rest of the song fell apart, wasting such a good start."

Many couldn't help but feel disappointed after hearing this. Most had already assumed that the song would inevitably fail.

Who had allowed this song to rank so low in the first place? If it truly was a good song, how could it have landed in such a low position? They thought that the reason for this might be because there was something wrong with the song in the later part.

Just when everyone was contemplating these questions, Irina's gentle and emotional voice unexpectedly burst forth.

[ Now I'm standing here in front of you

Ready to show you what I can do

All my dreams are coming true

I'm gonna shine, and it's all thanks to you … ]

John, who was preparing to tear the song apart, was momentarily silenced.

Usually, he would come up with a plethora of insults and criticisms when he heard a song. However, he sat there in front of millions of viewers, blushing and holding back for an extended period of time.

All he could finally muster was, "This...this song still sounds good."

He continued, "Let's insult it later."

The live broadcast audience erupted in laughter at this. In fact, many listeners agreed with John that the song was sung well, and there wasn't much to criticize.

"It's the first time I've seen John not be able to criticize a song," one viewer typed.

"In fact, I also thought she sang really well. There was nothing to criticize," another viewer agreed.

"Same here. These simple lyrics gave me a sense of indescribable feeling." a third viewer chimed in.

There was a barrage of comments.

"Don't panic, everyone!"

John said.

"There must be something wrong with this song, otherwise, it wouldn't rank so low. Let's continue to listen!"

John was determined to find fault in the song. He still believes that there must be something wrong with the song.

[ I'm gonna keep on shining

My light will never fade. ]

But as the song progressed, John couldn't seem to bring himself to say anything negative. Irina's voice was just too unique, too heartfelt. The simplicity of the lyrics struck a chord with many viewers.

[ I'm an idol, and I'm proud

Of the journey that I've made. ]

The song ended.

John wanted to say something but couldn't.

( How can this song be so good? Why is it sitting at the bottom? )

John thought. John sat there, at a loss for words, feeling a sudden wave of discomfort. It was the first time that he chose a song and couldn't insult. Even those songs in the Top 50, he could insult but this was a song that he couldn't find fault in.

There was silence in the live broadcast. Afterward, the live broadcast room exploded with comments after the song's conclusion, with many praising Irina's gentle and emotional voice.

"What's wrong with this? This song is so good!"

"I'm completely intoxicated. This is definitely a classic!"

"I haven't heard such a song in a long time. I feel like she sang about a lot of things in her heart, and now I have an indescribable feeling in my heart. I also wanted to chase my dream and become famous one day. Sadly, I failed!"

"How can such a beautiful song be ranked so low? It's unscientific!"

All of a sudden. In John's live broadcast, everyone was talking about the song and they were only praised for the song.

John came back to his senses.

"Screw it! Brothers, I couldn't insult it. I really wanted to insult this song. When I first listened to the song, I kept thinking, what is this song about?"

John continued.

"And brothers, you also know that I like to insult, but it is definitely justified. But this song, I really can't say anything bad about it. It sounds so good. It's great! It shouldn't be in this position! It should be at the Top!"

John said it seriously. He likes to insult bad music but he also appreciates good songs. He only insults the things that are needed to be insulted.

"I feel that I have an obligation to help this song be heard by more people because it let me hear another kind of music that has never been seen in the music world!"

John's voice fell. He really liked the song and wanted to help it reach a wider audience. The fans in the live broadcast room also responded quickly.

"I think so too!"

"I support it!"

"That's right, such a good song must not be buried! It should be on top!"

"I'll vote for it now, download it and support it!"

For a moment. Many people took action immediately and rushed to help the song "Shine" hit the charts.

John was also very emotional and even especially helped to place an advertisement in his live broadcast room.

He could see that his fans who are usually here to rant about bad songs are also willing to help the good songs.

After mobilizing for more than ten minutes, John took a sharp breath when he saw the song's ranking begin to climb up.

"This song was good. But I don't know anyone with the singer name 'Irina'. It must be a new singer."

John said. He was curious about her identity. He is also well-versed in the music world and knows a thing or two about them. And for the most part, he knows most of them except the new ones.

"Let me quickly check whether she has any other songs."

John clicked on Irina's page where there were another two songs. And their release date was also the same as 'Shine'.

"It seems that she really is a rookie and released the songs today only. Let's check out another song by her! It is also at the bottom list of the chart. Let's see whether it is as good as 'Shine' or whether it deserves to stay on the bottom list."

John decided on a song and clicked 'STAY'. It also has around 25,000 downloads only. Better than 'Rising Star' but still not good enough to enter the Top-50 weekly releases.

Many fans also echoed. They had support for 'Shine' but they had to get back on track and insult bad songs. While they supported and liked 'Shine', it doesn't mean that they support the singer. If the song was bad, they would insult it.


"We should insult what should be insulted. Even though I quite like 'Shine', if her other song is bad, we need to criticize it."

"Yes, I insult those bad songs!"

"Let's destroy all those bad songs with our criticism!"

The fans quickly adjusted their emotions and were excited to continue listening to John's live broadcast. John took a sip of water and said.

"Okay, let's continue ranting! If this song is bad, I'll criticize it like crazy!"


John said.

"This songwriter really named the song 'STAY'. Does he want me to stay and listen to him? Does he really think that if he named the song 'STAY', I would stay? Well, since you asked for it, I will stay and insult it."

John said. He was back in his form and started to insult.

There was once again a barrage of comments in the live broadcast room.


"This is the John we like!"

"It's that taste again, and it's back!"

"I really like John's smugness!"

"Hahaha, my happiness is back. That's it, that's how it feels, John hurry up and insult it!"

The corners of John's mouth raised slightly. He saw a lot of gifts in the live broadcast room and began to brush them up.

"Then, from now on, let's listen to this 'STAY'! Let's judge it together and see how bad this song called "STAY" can be."

John landed with a sound and then clicked directly.


Just when I was about to start criticizing.


Prelude started and expectedly, John was frozen on the spot. He opened his mouth, a little speechless, his mind was ringing for a long time, but he didn't know how to insult.

"Wait, what is this sound? This voice...this song, this prelude, I don't know how to evaluate it at once. It's a bit ethereal, but it actually gives me a sacred feeling."

John said with an expression that shows he witnessed something unbelievable.

In the live broadcast, many people were shocked when they heard the song.

"Damn it! The rhythm is perfect!"

"It's a bit powerful, this feeling is really ethereal!"

"Damn it, the prelude is perfect, why do I feel a little dreamy?"

All of a sudden the live broadcast completely exploded. At this time, many fans all looked at John over there.

John was also dumbfounded this time.

"This... this song, this prelude, I don't know how to evaluate it at once. It's a bit ethereal, but it actually gives me a warm feeling."