'STAY' Reaches Top-1

"Yes, I have reached the company. Where are you?"

Alan called Director Zayden. He was just asked to come to the company but didn't know where to go from there.

"Ah! We are in the Operation Department. Sorry, I am busy and forgot to arrange someone to show you the way. Wait for me, I will come soon!"

"It's okay! I would just ask some employees for directions."

Alan hung up the phone and tried to find someone who might know the location of that place. Even though he had been working for one month, he had never gone to the Operation department. Truthfully, he only knew certain offices in the company and had never explored the place.


Though before he went anywhere, some people entered the building. He thought about asking them but considering they were in a large group, he didn't ask. Moreover, they were also wearing designer clothes which signaled that they were idols of the company.

As several people came in, most of them were flattering two people walking in the front.

"Mina, your song this time will definitely become a hit. I recommended it to my friends yesterday, and they all really liked it."

"Jun, I heard that you will have a lot of promotional resources for this song. If you make it big, don't forget about me."

The group of people were all flattering Mina and Jun. Alan didn't really recognize them but considering their appearance, he assumed them to be some Idols. However, since he didn't recognize them, he considered them to be some unpopular Idol.

Listening to the flattery of people around him, Jun, who is male idol, looked smug.

Mina had a faint smile on her face, didn't say much, but her eyes also contained undisguised pride.

At this moment, Jun looked over to Alan who was standing in the corner. However, he didn't remember seeing Alan in any of the higher ups meetings.

Knowing that he was not some important person, he ignored him and went on his way with others following him.

"Oh yeah, I remember that two of the rookies had also released their songs. What is their ranking now?"

Jun asked. He is a C-List Idol with a good amount of fan base. With his new song, he was thinking about breaking through to B-List.

He is keeping an eye on his competitor and also the company's singer who released their songs. Because when there are more songs released by the company, the resources would also be distributed more.

He didn't want the rookies to hinder his plan of going into B-List. While rookies don't get many resources, he can't just ignore them.

The other people around immediately spoke up, wanting to answer Jun as soon as possible.

"Those songs must be at the bottom of the ranking. With the company focusing on you and Mina's song, they can't really get resources."

"I looked at the ranking yesterday, and didn't see any of their songs in the Top-50. They should have stopped receiving resources."

"They are just rookies. They shouldn't have much resources anyways. Moreover, I heard they had fought with Luna Garcia. Who would be willing to help them after they had offended a A-List Idol"

Their followers seemed to have no idea about the current situation on MeloPlay. Though, they did have an idea about Irina and Cecilia. However, as they were just Idol Trainees before, they didn't really care about them.

Most of them just treat them as idols whose career is already finished because of offending Luna.

"Anyway, brother Jun is a C-List singer. You might even get in the Top-10 of the Weekly Ranking."

"Yeah, brother Jun is a C-List singer and will become a rising star in the future. What's the use of comparing with those unknown singers."

"Sister Mina might even get into the Top-3. Only you two are worthy of the title of Idols. Those two are just newcomers and trying to compete with you two. They must be seeking their own death."

They walked past Alan, not even looking at him. For people like them, they were busy enough as it was and didn't really care about affairs other than their own.

Alan didn't care about them. And even them looking down on Irina and Cecilia and their songs were normal. Right now, Irina and Cecilia had done nothing to prove themselves and would get looked down upon by others.

It was just that he found it funny that those people had no idea that 'STAY' was in the second position. And other songs by Irina and Cecilia were also on the verge of entering the Top-10.

As for the song of Mina and Jun, Alan didn't really remember any song with that name. He had only paid attention to Top-3 songs. And those two weren't in that list.

Anyway, he didn't spend much time thinking about them and found one of the employees who was free. The employee led Alan to the operation department.

As soon as I walked in, I noticed that the operations department was bustling with activity. From time to time, I heard people shouting about resources being ready and able to start pushing, or that some data had skyrocketed and was about to reach its peak.

Alan also saw Jun and Mina there. They seemed to be in a bad mood and were arguing with someone Alan didn't recognize. Even though he was quite far, he could hear the person called Jun yelling.

"Director Mertz, did you make a mistake? I am a C-List Idol. How can my resources be less than some new Idols? Why are you promoting their songs instead of mine? It's unfair!"

Jun was complaining. Mina who was beside Jun didn't say anything, however, from her expression it is clear that she is not happy with what the operation department is doing.

They thought that the company would be working hard to promote their songs. However, when they entered the operation department, they saw that they were all focusing on different songs rather than theirs.

Just as he finished shouting, the people in the operations department suddenly became excited as if they were having a fit.

"We've reached the top!"

"'STAY' has reached the top!"

Director Mertz glared fiercely at Jun and said, "Fairness? Their song is ranked first, so she should get the resources. That's fair!

"If you had enough, then get out of here! What kind of bullshit C-list Idol!"

Jun was stunned by the scolding, while Mina stared silently at the giant screen in the front of the operations department.

When she entered earlier, she didn't pay attention to it, but now she looked.

'STAY was ranked first! Singer: Irina & Cecilia

And 'Rising Star' was ranked fourth! Singer: Irina!

And 'Shine' was ranked fifth! Singer: Cecilia!

Those two D-list singers had taken the top two spots!

And as for Mina...

She wasn't even in the top ten!

As for Jun...

There was no sign of him in the Top-20! It seems that from the moment Irina and Cecilia songs were doing great, all his resources were dumped onto theirs. Without any promotion, his songs continue to decrease in rank.

After scolding Jun, he turned around and saw Alan. He knew who Alan was as Director Zayden had shown his picture.

He smiled gently and approached him.

"Manager Alan, you have come. Would you like to have tea or coffee?"

Director Mertz showed a completely different attitude to Alan. This stunned Jun and Mina. Jun had earlier thought that Alan was just some low level employee and now the DIrector of the operational department was treating him better than him.


Alan answered.

Director Mertz took him to a place to sit and showed him the data from Irina and Ceciia's song. He continues to praise Alan about how their songs are doing great. Director Mertz also said that by the end of Weekly ranking, all their songs might enter Top-10.

Alan drank the coffee and was not very surprised. Compared to the other songs, their songs were much better. 'STAY' has no opponent and without even promoting, there was a chance of getting first place.

After attending to Alan, Director Mertz went back to promoto the other songs. He made sure that 'STAY' did fall out of first place and also raised the rank of other songs.

Jun was kicked out.

The resources originally planned for him were also withdrawn directly and given to the other songs of Irina and Cecilia.

Although Director Mertz also arranged for people to help Mina to promote her song, they were far inferior to Irina and Cecilia in terms of strength and emphasis.

Obviously yesterday, Mina had the best song, and the one who received the most attention, but it was only for temporary.

Everything has changed!

Mina was dissatisfied, but she didn't show it.

She also left the operation department. Before going out she glanced at Alan who was casually drinking coffee!