Next Plan!

"So, what's the plan now?"

Alan asked.

"Isn't that your job as a manager to figure it out?"

Irina said.

"I had prepared a lot of things and with songs becoming popular, there are lots of shows that want the two of you. However, I want to ask whether there was anything that you two particularly wanted to do."

Alan as he took out a list of offers. He gave it to Irina and Cecilia to have a look.

"These are the offers that are asking for the two of you. You can look through it and decide what to do."

Irina and Cecilia glanced over the list of offers that Alan had prepared. It was quite extensive, ranging from concert performances, TV appearances, endorsements, and even a movie role.

And this all was just after they had reached number 1 on the Weekly Ranking. Many offers were still pending and many would probably come.

As a matter of fact, Alan gave them the current offer in order to find out what they were interested in at the moment. They could give concerts and further promote their songs, go on talk shows to increase their popularity, or even move into other industries.

As idols, it was not enough to just be great at singing. If they aimed to be top idols, they also needed to be great at dancing and acting. Most top idols were multi-talented, and gaining more fans meant catering to different audiences.

"To tell the truth, I think anything is good."

"Yeah, we are just rookies. I didn't think we would even get so many offers."

Irina and Cecilia said. They were overwhelmed by how popular they had become. Though they knew it was just temporary, they never expected that they would become that popular immediately.

They thought it would be hard for them to get good offers without using the company's resources. Didn't expect that so many offers would come to them instead. And they knew that they had to use their current fame to increase their popularity.

It was the right time to capitalize on their fame and increase their popularity. Except for the movie role, everything looked fine to them.

As for why acting was not an option, it was because they thought that they needed to wait and establish themselves in the music industry before thinking about going to acting.

And that was the right thinking. Right now, although their songs were popular, they were not widely known. They didn't have many achievements in the music world yet.

They needed to first become accomplished in the music world and cement their names as great singers before thinking about going to acting or other industries.

Anyway, the two of them couldn't make up their minds.

"What do you think?"

Irina asked Alan. She had completely become dependent on Alan and would trust him to make the best decision. Even though he had only worked for her for only a month, he had never made a wrong decision or a mistake.

Cecilia also looked at Alan to make the decision. They trusted that he would be able to make the best choice.

Alan took out one of the offer letters. It was for participating in a contest called "Rising Stars: The Melodious Battle".

"Rising Stars: The Melodious Battle" is a singing competition that showcases the talent and skills of aspiring singers who are on the path to becoming the next big stars in the music industry. The competition brings together contestants from diverse backgrounds and genres of music, creating a vibrant and dynamic platform for them to showcase their vocal abilities, stage presence, and performance skills.

It is mostly used for contending with singers who have debuted in less than 3 years. There are B-list idols among them, however not many people with high popularity participate.

"The Melodious Battle?"

Cecilia was surprised by Alan's choice.

"You want us to participate in this contest?"

Irina asked. She was equally shocked. She didn't know that Alan was thinking about having them participate in the contest. They just had their debut and didn't think that they would be participating in a contest soon.

"Yes, I think that it would be a perfect place to show that you two taking the first position on a music chart is not just because of some coincidence. And I believe that you two can win this competition."

Alan said.

Irina and Cecilia exchanged excited glances, intrigued by the idea of participating in "Rising Stars: The Melodious Battle."

Even though they were surprised at first, they were not afraid, especially by Alan's words. They knew that it could be a great opportunity to further showcase their talent and prove that their success on the music charts was not just a fluke.

"I think it's a great idea," Cecilia said, her eyes shining with enthusiasm. "It would be a chance for us to compete with other talented singers and really show what we're made of."

Irina nodded in agreement. "I agree. It could be a platform for us to demonstrate our vocal abilities, stage presence, and performance skills. It would also be a good opportunity to gain more exposure and expand our fan base."

Alan smiled, pleased with their positive response.

"I'm glad you both are on board. I believe that with your talent and hard work, you have a great chance of winning this competition and further establishing yourselves as idols."

The three of them discussed the details of the competition, including the preparation required, the timeline, and the potential benefits of participating.

"So, who is going to compose our song? Dreamwave Entertainment's composer or your friend? Personally, I want it to be your friend."

Irina asked.

Previously, no one at Dreamwave Entertainment wanted to write songs for them. Now, with their popularity, there should be many willing to even though they know that they might get on Luna's bad side.

And even if the composers don't want to, they knew that the company would provide them with a composer if they asked.

"That… I will check whether I can get good songs from Dreamwave Entertainment's composer. If not, I will ask my friend to write one for you."

Alan said. He knew that with Director Zayden's support, he could get their composer to create a song for him. However, he also needed the quality of the song to be good as he wanted Irina and Cecilia to win their first music contest and gain more fame.

If the composers of the company couldn't give him good songs, he was not worried with the System by his side.

"Wouldn't your friend have any problems? Your friend has already helped us previously and we didn't even thank him."

Cecilia said. She didn't know who the composer was but looking at the quality of the songs, she reckoned that it might be a Hit songwriter.

There are five levels for a songwriter in this world. Starting with the lowest; Novice songwriter, Senior Songwriter, Hit songwriter, Master songwriter and finally Legendary Songwriter.

Dreamwave Entertainment has many Novice and Senior songwriters, but only two hit songwriters. That shows how precious a Hit Songwriter was. They were literally the treasure of any Idol company.

And looking at the level of songs that she received, Cecilia thought that the composer friend that Alan was talking about was at minimum Hit Songwriter level.

She thought that they were burdening Alan with the responsibility of asking for songs from that Hit Songwriter.

"Yes, he has already given us five incredible songs. And it might be difficult for him to write more in such a short period of time."

Irina added. She knows that a songwriter would occasionally need the inspiration to write good songs. Without that, no matter how good the songwriter is, they have difficulty coming up with good songs.

Alan reassured Cecilia and Irina, "Don't worry, my friend is actually excited to work with you two. And I don't think that he would have any trouble bringing out some good songs."

Alan said while looking at his status interface.


Name: Alan Sterling

Profession: Student of Stafire Highschool

Idol Manager

Appreciation Points: 1,579,340


( Yep! No problem at all! )