Should I Buy Singing Skill?

I opened the door to the practice room of Cecilia and Irina. They were practicing the singing of the song "Heart's Embrace".

[ Tears fall like rain, emotions run high

A love once cherished, now a painful goodbye

Heartache weighs heavy, a burden to bear ] …

I just quietly sat on the chair and didn't disturb them. I listened to them.

Even though they had not practiced this song much, their voices blended seamlessly, creating a hauntingly beautiful melody that filled the practice room. Cecilia's voice soared with emotion, her rich tones resonating with deep feelings, while Irina's voice complemented hers with its pure, crystal-clear quality.

I thought about it for a while but they were really talented singers. Even if the reason for their recent rise in popularity might be because of good songs, you can't deny that their voices are very beautiful.

Compared to many idols of the same age, they could be considered at the top. Even considering the already established Idols, they wouldn't necessarily lose in terms of skills.

However, they were not without fault. They would at times mess up some vocals and compared to the original version of the song in the System Store, they were lacking. However, that could easily be solved with more practice.

They continued to sing, pouring their hearts into each note, and I was moved by their passion and talent. It was evident that they tried to connect with the song's lyrics and their voices blended together in perfect harmony.

As the last notes of the song faded into the air, there was a moment of silence in the practice room. Cecilia and Irina looked at each other with a shared understanding, and then they both broke into smiles.


I couldn't help but applaud them as they finished, and they turned to me with surprise.

"Alan, when did you get here?"

Irina asked while grabbing the towel to wipe the sweat off.

"Just now!"

I replied with a smile, "I came in while you were singing. You two were amazing!"

Cecilia and Irina exchanged glances and then thanked me with appreciative smiles. Irina took a sip of water from her bottle, and Cecilia wiped her forehead with the back of her hand.

"Alan, tell me honestly! How did you acquire another fantastic song?"

Irina asked again. She couldn't tell how good the songs were when Alan sent her the lyrics and music score. She just felt that the lyrics were great and nothing else.

However, today when they practiced the song with the music, she really felt the charm of the song. She knew that "Heart's Embrace" is at least on an equal level as the 'STAY'. And she didn't need to say about how popular 'STAY' had become.

Now, she has another opportunity to sing a song of such quality. She was grateful but at the same time more curious.

"Haha, I-I already told you. I have a friend who composes songs, and he, uh, wrote one for me when I asked."

I stammered nervously.

"Hmmm… Okay! Thank him for the song. If there is a chance, I would like to meet him."

Irina said.

"Okay, I will tell you when he has time."

Irina and Cecilia have been asking me about the non-existent composer. They were thinking about inviting him to the celebration of getting 1st position in the Weekly Ranking, though of course, I said he was busy. I had been lying about how the composer Ellipse Shadow was busy and couldn't meet them.

"He must be a really talented composer. He should have many idols asking for songs."

Cecilia said. The composer's busy schedule meant that he was being asked by many people to write the song. As for the pseudonym Eclipse Shadow, she assumed that he only used it for the songs provided to them.

She thought that in reality, he must already be a big name in the Entertainment industry with a lot of fame.

"I really think that it is incredible that you were able to procure another song from him, despite Mr. Eclipse Shadow being busy."

Cecilia said. It was not known to her how Alan, who was not connected to the Idol Industry in any way, was able to get songs from what she assumed to be a famous composer. Because of that, she admired Alan even more.

She assumed that Alan had to work really hard to get these songs from such a famous composer. While Alan always says that the composer is his friend, she believed that even if that were the case, no one will easily give such a good song easily to another.

She believes that Alan had to work hard to get the song for them. And knew that he was working hard because of her and Irina.

After having rested for a bit, Irina and Cecilia went back to singing the song.

This time, I was with them, so it was easy for them to know what mistake they were making. I pointed out the wrong things that they were doing and tried to improve their performances as much as possible.

( Should I buy singing skill? )

I thought that maybe I could instruct them better if I had better singing skills. That way, I could explain in a more professional way and show them. However, I just gave up on that.

Judging by Irina and Cecilia's singing abilities, I would need Master-class skill in singing if I want to instruct them better. Irina and Cecilia's singing abilities were around an advanced level. So, I would need a Master-class level if I wanted to properly instruct them.

And I would need 10 million Appreciation Points if I want to buy that. I had only over 1 million Appreciation Points right now.

( Let's leave it! )

It was not urgent anyway. There was a need to ponder something that I couldn't do anything about. I will first focus on what I can do.

While my instructions might suck and they take time to understand the mistake that I am pointing out, the rate of improvement that they were showing was already fast. I would buy the skill if I needed to but for now, I will make do with my current skill set.