Mina and Jun Shine on Stage

Observing the behavior of Jun's manager, even Mina's manager chose to ignore her. It was highly inappropriate for Jun's manager to boast so excessively, considering that he heavily relied on Mina's popularity.

Mina and Jun made their grand entrance, causing the entire venue to erupt in excitement.

"Greetings, everyone! I'm Mina. Today, alongside my colleague Jun, we will be performing a song called 'Eternal Duet.' I hope all of you will enjoy our performances," Mina announced.

The audience's cheers grew louder, particularly from Mina's male supporters. Her devoted fan group energetically waved their banners in the air.

Mia couldn't help but notice Mina's immense popularity and gave a concerned look towards Alan. She had also heard Composer Jules mention that Alan would be in trouble if they won. Consequently, she worried about the consequences, even though Alan himself appeared indifferent.

The anticipation in the air was palpable as Mina and Jun prepared to take the stage. The audience sat on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting their performance.

Mina's eyes gleamed with determination and passion. She was fully prepared to deliver a performance that would leave a lasting impression on everyone present.

The music began to play, and the crowd instantly brightened up as the introductory notes filled the venue.

"This intro is fantastic!"

"The music has an amazing vibe!"

"It's so invigorating!"

Even the viewers watching the live stream became excited.

"No wonder it's Mina's song. Even before she starts singing, you can feel the energy it carries!"

"It's truly brimming with passion!"

As the intro concluded, Mina opened her mouth, and the entire crowd erupted in wild applause and cheers.

Composer Jules' song, 'Eternal Duet,' depicted a timeless love story that transcended all obstacles and challenges. It beautifully portrayed the unwavering bond between the two destined individuals.

The power of Mina's performance was undeniable, captivating the audience completely. Her talent held them spellbound as her voice weaved a mesmerizing melody that touched their souls.

Even Composer Jules looked on with a satisfied smile. He was confident that they would emerge victorious, given the audience's reaction. None of the other performances had garnered such a response from the crowd, except for Mina's.

In the midst of his joy, he remembered the earlier incident involving Alan. He already had plans to humiliate him and remove him from the company. He couldn't wait for that moment to arrive.

After Mina's part concluded, Jun took over. He also showcased his explosive voice, filled with the emotions of the song. While not reaching Mina's level, he was undoubtedly better than most of the competitors in this contest.

Dreamwave Entertainment was a top-tier company for idols, and all their participants met certain standards, unlike Xin, who would never qualify to become a trainee in Dreamwave Entertainment.

Then, Mina and Jun sang together! It was an outstanding performance, greatly appreciated by the audience. The lyrics, music, and vocals were all exceptional.

As the song approached its end, the audience burst with excitement.

"Wow! The song is so good!"

Mia exclaimed. The quality of the song surpassed anything her company had produced in a long time. She reluctantly admitted that none of the previous performances could compete with it, although she still saw Alan as their adversary.

Alan, on the other hand, found the performance decent. Having listened to thousands of songs of excellent quality, he believed that Composer Jules' songs were far more lacking. However, he could admit that the song was fairly good.

"Haha… That is my idol! You see how good Jun is. He is surely going to win!"

Jun's Manager said. Given the opportunity, she couldn't waste the opportunity to brag about Jun.

However, the result remained the same as before. Alan continued to ignore her. Jun's voice was just above average, not the best in the competition. It was only Mina's singing that made their performance stand out as one of the best.

Their flawless performance concluded, and the crowd erupted in applause and cheers.


"Mina! Mina! Mina!"

"You are going to win! For Sure!"

"That guy is not half-bad!"

Applause thundered through the auditorium as Mina effortlessly showcased her vocal range and emotional depth. She outshone all the other contestants.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's give another round of applause to the incredible Mina and Jun! What a breathtaking performance!"

Once again, the crowd exploded with cheers and applause, their enthusiasm overflowing. Mina had undeniably left a lasting impression, and the anticipation for the final results reached new heights.

"Thank you, everyone! Please vote for us if you think we did a good job!" Mina expressed her gratitude.

Mina smiled and waved at the audience, while Jun smirked arrogantly as he took the microphone.

"Please cast your vote for us!" Jun added.

The host continued, "Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come to cast your votes. Remember, every vote counts, so make sure your voice is heard!"

The audience eagerly took out their devices, ready to show their support for Mina and her performance.

On the large screen, the vote count was rapidly increasing. In the blink of an eye, Mina & Jun had received 60,000 votes, and the number was continuing to rise at the same pace.

Before long, it surpassed 100,000.

Seeing this achievement, along with the barrage of various supportive comments on the screen, Composer Jules felt that this time it was completely secure!

"Look! I knew it! We won!"

Jun's Manager shouted in excitement. She glared at Alan and let out a dismissive snort. She didn't feel the need to say anything more, as the results spoke for themselves.

Mina's manager also smiled joyfully. She believed that Mina had finally obtained the trophy that should have been hers last year. No one even came close to matching Mina's performance.

Finally, The vote count settled!

The host stepped forward, announcing, "Alright, our voting period has come to an end!"

"Now, Mina and Jun's final vote count stands at 256,000!"

"Wow, 256,000 votes! That is an incredibly high number! So, Mina and Jun, do you have any words for the audience here and those watching online?"

Mina smiled and expressed her gratitude, "Thank you all for your support!"

She waved at the audience, displaying her appreciation.

Jun smirked with arrogance and took the microphone.

"I am grateful for your votes. Furthermore, I believe this competition already has a winner. We are the winners!"