One Song From 'Ellipse Shadow'

"Only he knows who 'Ellipse Shadow' is!" 

Director Zayden declared, taking a deep breath and realizing that his credibility hung in the balance. 

While he wished to shield Alan from the ensuing chaos, he understood that with how the Vice President does things, the truth would eventually come to light.

Rather than wait for the enemy to exploit the situation, he made the decision to disclose the information, and try to ensure that Alan would not be implicated. 

"I have solely communicated with the manager regarding the songs and collaboration logistics. The composer has chosen to remain anonymous, preferring to work through their manager. We respect their decision, and as a company, we have honored their request for privacy."

Director Zayden explained. 

The room fell into silence as the executives absorbed this revelation. The Vice President's expression shifted from disbelief to skepticism.