Songs From 'Ellipse Shadow' Is Simply Good

Adam received a call from Director Zayden regarding the collaboration, which filled him with immense excitement, making it difficult for him to calm down. 

Occasionally, he would go downstairs and pick up his long-time partner, his guitar, to practice singing while also listening to some of 'Ellipse Shadow's' music.

Whenever he heard one of his songs, his excitement would skyrocket, knowing that he would soon be working with 'Ellipse Shadow'. 

The mere prospect of acquiring one of his songs was something to boast about. Many, including Irina and Cecilia, were jealous because of this opportunity, and now Adam found himself in the same position.

He could already see the people being jealous of him when they came to know that he would be singing one of 'Ellipse Shadow' songs.

Just then, Director Zayden called him.

"Hello, Director Zayden!" Adam answered with anticipation, wondering what news the director had for him.