The Unexpected Note

Irina, who had just arrived backstage, couldn't contain her surprise and concern. 

"What is Alan doing there?" 

She asked Lua, the secretary, in a hushed voice, her eyes fixated on Alan.

"Our previous pianist fainted, and Manager Alan has stepped in to replace her," Lua explained, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Irina was taken aback. 

"But does Alan even know how to play the piano?" 

She wondered aloud.

Lua hesitated before responding, "T-that… If even you don't know, then it is certain that we wouldn't know. But given the circumstances, we have no choice but to believe in Manager Alan."

How could she know whether Alan could play the piano when his childhood friend herself didn't. But she couldn't do anything to stop Alan.

Irina couldn't help but worry as she observed Alan and Cecilia on stage. She muttered to herself, "Alan, what are you thinking?"