Lysandra Sterling

"Thank you, Ryan! I enjoyed your stories."

"Haha, I am glad that you like it. Goodnight!"

Alan stepped out of the car and made his way to the front door of his house. 

His mind was still occupied with the bizarre encounter with Eva, but decided to forget about it as what was done has already been done.

He entered the house and found a lot of luggages. 

( Are they back? )

Alan thought as he quickly went to the sitting room.

His mother, Lysandra Sterling, was the first to notice him.

"Alan! Oh, thank goodness you're home," she exclaimed, rushing towards him. 

"Where have you been? I've been worried sick! You didn't even pick my calls."

Alan was taken aback by his mother's reaction. His mother was indeed back from the business trip as he thought.

As for why he didn't receive the call, it was because he kept his phone silent as he was going to meet Eva. And because of that meeting, he forgot to change it back.