Midterm Exam

Just like a week had passed, Alan dedicated himself to preparing for his midterm exam. He focused solely on his studies and entrusted the ever-increasing documents to his secretary, Lua.

During that same week, Eva was occupied with recording songs for her music album. While she had already gathered three songs for the album, she still needed to choose around 8-10 additional songs.

Fortunately, many composers had sent their songs to Eva, so she had no shortage of options. Although they couldn't be compared to Alan's songs, they were still acceptable and not too bad.

Even though Alan had given Eva his songs and the success of her album could benefit him, he didn't care and didn't even know when she planned to release her album.

On Monday, Starfire High School officially began its midterm exams.

"I'm an idol. Is studying really meaningful for an idol? Well, I simply lacked the time to study, and it wouldn't matter even if I fail," Alan thought calmly.