Interview For The Movie

During this time, the movie's marketing team swung into action, designing posters, trailers, and promotional material to create buzz and anticipation among the audience. 

Social media platforms were abuzz with sneak peeks, behind-the-scenes footage, and interviews with the cast and crew. 

The interest in the movie skyrocketed, and fans eagerly awaited its release. As part of the marketing strategy, the idols – Eva, Irina, and Cecilia – made appearances on various talk shows and entertainment programs. 

Interviewer: "Good evening, everyone! Today, we have a very special treat for all of you. Joining us in the studio are the three leading ladies of the highly anticipated movie of Director Lawson: Eva, Irina, and Cecilia! Welcome, ladies!"

Eva: "Thank you! We're thrilled to be here!"

Cecilia: "Yes, it's such a pleasure to be on your show."

Irina: "Absolutely, thank you for having us."