The Path To Brand Stardom

The atmosphere in the room had grown palpably tense, and Evelyn watched the exchange nervously from the sidelines.

As he works for Irina and Cecilia under Alan, he knew about the conflict between their side and Vice-President side. That's why he knew that Adrian coming to hire Alan was a big deal. If Alan agreed then it might directly make them enemies with President Rea's side.

Adrian rose from his chair, followed by Darren.. With those ominous words hanging in the air, Adrian and Darren left Alan's office. The tension in the room lifted slightly as the door closed behind them.

Evelyn let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. "Was that okay? He was, after all, the Vice-President of Dreamwave Entertainment."

Evelyn asked. He was worried that Alan might be implicated by his decline of Adrian's offer.

Alan leaned back in his chair, seemingly not worried at all. 

"Nah! No need to worry about it!"