Let's Make A Movie

What was better to make someone lose money than compete in that same field? Through Opulique, Alan could already see how an emerging product of the same industry could make others in the same industry suffer.

He made use of Opulique to strip Jasper of his business and investor and Alan was planning to do the same to Adrian.

However, not all of that was for revenge. He was quite interested in making movies after watching 'Melody Of Dream' and he also has script analysis skills which could also be helpful for this.

Moreover, he knew how much money a successful movie could make. There were instances of 10 Million budget movies making over 100 Million in revenues which is like 10 times the initial investment.

Alan has a System with many great scripts which could help him make a movie successful. Of course, just having a good script was not enough but it was one of the requirements if one needed to make a successful movie.