62.First day at work

Kang Bo had a gleam in his eye. It was time to start working. The scar on the back of his neck was all but gone. Dr. Zhang had already removed the qi strings since the flesh wound had already closed and didn't require the string to hold it together anymore. He was now ready to cultivate, consume poisons, and work.

"Dr. Zhang, I've come to take you up on that offer. I would like to work with you." He understood that he had to be respectable and not overly enthusiastic when it came to employment negotiations. He presented himself to Dr.Zhang in a simple and to-the-point manner.

"Certainly, Kang Bo. But first, I need to test your body's poison tolerance. We don't want to have a medical emergency in our hands while trying to deal with poisons."

Kang Bo nodded. This much was to be expected.