114. A long ride

I, Wang Feng, have been exiled to this barren wasteland, where there is dirt and shrubbery as far as the eye can see. My horse, Longma, has no problem finding food. His food is everywhere. The same thing couldn't be said for me. I've been riding Longma for a while now. So far, I've only eaten small animals. Their meat isn't enough for an adult man. 

I've divined the locations of nearby foods, be they meat or herbs. It guided me to bitter, sugary roots. I've also divined the locations of nearby nomadic tribes. The nearest tribe has shown that trying to join their horde is ominous. I suspect they would rob me of everything I had if I ever tried to join them. So, I have to skip this tribe and try my luck on the next one. I have to let them pass by me or ride my horse until I put them behind me.