133. Impermanence

A buck fell at the hands of its two hunters. Wang Feng and Asena skinned it and ate its liver. The camp wasn't far away, and the air was chilly. There wasn't a need for preserving measures other than consuming the fans, which would go bad fast, post haste.

Wang Feng lifted his head from his work to look around. There were no buildings in sight. The tribesmen erected no buildings except for wooden fortresses. They knew that it would be under a thick layer of snow in a month.

They brought the meat to their house and processed it. The mighty and beautiful buck became stew. It had impressive antlers. Wang Feng imagined it reigning supreme against the other bucks, humbling its adversaries with extreme zeal, and mating with all the females. However it was before, it is now stew. Its mighty antlers were going to be decorations at best. Its bones were going to sink into the dirt after a long time, never to be seen again.