Chapter 102- I Did Some Exercises Before You Came

In his courtyard, Sol was in a handstand position doing push-ups.

With his lack of an upper robe, his sweat freely gathered at the tip of his nose to fall on the manual he was too engrossed in to care.

Sol suddenly stopped to shift his weight to one hand and flipped the manual's page with the other. Afterward, he went back to his push-ups.

His arms were aching since he had been doing physical exercises like this and reading the manual he got from Dae-Hyun ever since he returned.

He wasn't really counting but he must have done over a thousand.

The sun was even on the verge of setting.

Only after a few more standing push-ups did Sol decide to end his physical exercise session.

With a slight push off the ground, he rose into the air and landed on his feet.

"This really seems to be the basics of the Jeagal Clan's way of creating Formation Arrays, it wasn't that difficult to understand the contents of this manual."