Chapter 224- A Bet

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Sol and Woo-Seong's figures left shadows in the surroundings as they traded blows.

But their clashes sounded nothing like flesh colliding against flesh, but rather two mountains repeatedly slamming into each other.

Evidence of this was the destruction of the ground that look like it was caused by an earthquake.

"Wah-They're going to destroy our Mountain!"

One disciple cried out as he watched Sol and Woo-Seong's battle.


One disciple responded.

"B-But shouldn't someone step in?"

"Why don't you step in to break up those monsters?"

"Are you kidding me? I don't want to die when I've just become a Disciplinary Disciple!"

"But even if someone could, would they dare to when it's Woo-Seong?"

"I think that's Brother Sol. If the rumors are true, then this fight must be about the death of Geon-Soo."

"That's highly likely."