Chapter 232- I Merely Took Back What Was Stolen From My Brother

Asung-Hei didn't respond and only lowered his head to keep his gaze on the cup of tea in his hands.

"Not answering? Are you a mute?"

Woo-Seong walked up to Asung-Hei and bent his waist to try and look at his face.

Asung-Hei glanced up at Woo-Seong through his bangs, and hatred flashed across his eyes for a brief moment. However, he hurriedly lowered his gaze.

But Woo-Seong had seen it, and he frowned.

"Woo-Seong, step back."

Sol commanded, and before Woo-Seong realized what he was doing, he was stepping back.

Woo-Seong was shocked at his own actions.

'Who was this brat to order me around so casually? But damn it, why did I listen?'

After Woo-Seong stepped back, Sol turned to Asung-Hei.

He opened his mouth to say something but paused.

'If I'm right, then Woo-Seong shouldn't be here.'

Sol turned back to Woo-Seong and said.

"Woo-Seong leave."

"What? I'm not leaving, I just got here."