Chapter 382- I Am Death

This was still within Sol's Heavenly Domain, and he was always on guard for Cian's teleportation ability, so he was able to move just as the attack was made. But Cian's speed was not to be underestimated, and the attack still managed to stab into his left chest.

It missed Sol's heart by mere inches thanks to his quick movements. But the number of times he suffered similar injuries like this since the battle started was a terrifying amount. However, this just goes to show Cian's deadly intent.

Sol's body couldn't help but tremble as the sword's aura seeped into his body. His upper robes were torn due to his transformation and further by the battle, so bright red flowers could be seen appearing on the left side of his shoulder and chest.

They quickly bloomed and a dark miasma started flowing out of them.

Immediately, Sol realized what this strange aura was.