Hiatus Announcement

For my long-time readers and new ones, thanks for reading thus far. But I bet you're wondering 'Where's the rest of the book?' Or 'Are you going to stop updating another book again?!'

You new readers might have even skipped to this chapter.

However, do not fret my readers, I will continue TGT as by the end of the last chapter you can see I am going somewhere with the story. I've already plotted out a few hundred chapters I do plan writing.

"Well, Tsetth, if you've already plotted out so much of the story why are you disappointing us by suddenly putting this book on Hiatus?"

Ehem, if you will let me explain. The reason for the book's hiatus firstly has to do with, as might have guessed, a lack of readers. Or at least the perceived lack of readers due to the lack of comments.

Oh now, now, don't worry this isn't me casting blame on you guys. As a silent reader myself how could I?