Protect my son

"Why are you against it?" Licheng asked after Yuan and Su Ning left and asked Xuanzi to give him a few minutes of his time.

"Why are you against it? You should tell me the truth since it's important to me," Licheng asked his brother to be truthful. 

Xuanzi wondered from he should start. However, instead of going deeper, he simply said, "Brother Licheng was hurt in the past. Emotionally he was broken and mentally too."

When he noticed inquisitiveness on Licheng's face, Xuanzi decided to be more specific and continued, "In the Imperial library, there is a book that mentions the existence of a fire descendant from a hundred years ago. A few things are mentioned in it, which made me come to this conclusion while accomplishing a task for humanity, you have to forget yourself."

Licheng was surprised to find out about it. There was an account of a fire descendant, which he could never find out!