Xiana's and Licheng's Past: Part-1

In the Heavenly Realm, Heavenly Emperor Zhang Tianyu was listening to the music which her daughter played on the guzheng. Xiana gradually stopped and rested her hand above the guzheng's strings and looked at her father, who praised her. 

"Xiana's instrument-playing skills have improved in these two months. Soon, she will achieve the jade guzheng," said her mother, Heavenly Goddess, Meiying. 

Xiana smiled at them as she would add one more capability to her skill and be like her parents. 

"Since our daughter has delighted us, so I will fulfill one wish of hers. Does she want anything?" asked her father, the Heavenly Emperor. 

"I want to visit the earth, Father," Xiana put forward her request. For a long time, she had this desire of seeing what people on the earth did. How they lived, what they did, etc. "Father, let me stay on the earth for a month. This is my wish," Xiana said with a glint in her eyes.