Xiana's and Licheng's Past: Part-4

In the evening, after the rain stopped both Xiana and Licheng returned to the residence. "Please don't tell anyone about my identity. I was not supposed to tell humans about me. However, you are a trustable person, so I told you," Xiana requested Licheng. 

"I won't. However, I want you to leave my house soon. If you want I can show you the rest house in the main city. It will be a day's journey from here," Licheng suggested to her. 

Xiana shook her head. "I don't trust anyone after what I experienced right after I landed here. Also, I love being around you," she said and smiled at him. 

"Aren't you a Goddess? That means you are way more powerful than any human," Licheng remarked. 

"Yes, I am. But do you think using my power on a human can let him live? I don't want to be the center of attraction," Xiana explained to him. 

"Did you have no control over your powers?" Licheng inquired.