Xiana's and Licheng's Past: Part-12

After Licheng and Xiana finished having lunch together, Licheng asked her why she returned. Although he missed her, he didn't want to be vocal about it. At the same time, he was worried thinking Xiana might get harmed on Earth. 

"I promised you I would be back," Xiana said. 

"Thanks to the powers you imparted to me, I have become stronger. I have controlled the extra energy in me and will use it appropriately," Licheng stated and showed his thankfulness through his words. 

"That's what you deserve, Licheng," Xiana said and passed him a tiny smile. "I have seen how diligent you are! You have done hard work to channel the power correctly." She didn't take credit for Licheng's hard work. If he had not worked on how to keep the energy within him, he would have lost it. 

"I saw you had a duel with your father," Xiana said. 

"Yes. Father wanted to check how stronger I got," Licheng stated.