Take Me In As A Son


Islinda could finally understand why Aldric was called that because he was one. She had never seen anyone take such delight in another's misery as Aldric did at that moment. Islinda could not forget the pure ecstasy on his face as he tore the dark Fae apart from limb to limb. 

As a hunter, one would think Islinda was used to the gore, but she was sick to her stomach. She had never witnessed someone being slaughtered in front of her as if he were a chicken. Aldric had no qualms about torturing. 

Their gazes locked, and she stiffened in response. For the first time, Islinda was terrified of Aldric. If he can do that to a fae, what will happen to her once she has served her purpose? Valerie was correct; Aldric was rotten to the core, and she could not put her trust in him. 

Even with her doubts, she screamed his name when she saw Queen Maeve move threateningly towards him, her heart in her throat, "Watch out! Aldric!"